Jesus is risen – Mk.16:1-8 1.Is it true? The evidence that it is true:- a. Jesus was dead – Mk. 15:44,45 b. The missing body c. The appearances of Jesus d. The disciples are transformed e. The special day changes f. People are still being transformed
2. Does it matter? a. It confirms who Jesus is Acts 2:36; Rom. 1:4 b. It confirms the victory of the Cross - our sins can be forgiven - death has lost its sting - Satan is a defeated enemy
Does it matter? c. We can experience resurrection power:- 1. New life now 2. A new body then d. There will be a new creation
3. What if we dont pass on the Good News? Would the women be stopped by:- a.Unbelief b.Fear no-one would believe They told others & so must we:- a.So others can know LIFE b.Others do not have to face Jesus as Judge