Supporting family carers in Melbourne’s West Presented by Jenny Mitchell Supporting Caring Families in Refugee Communities
Supporting family carers in Melbourne’s West Why people from refugee backgrounds? Demographics of refugee settlement in Melbourne’s West Culturally inclusive services
Supporting family carers in Melbourne’s West At first glance… Government policies select “healthy” refugees: 69 refugees 65 + (2010) No refugees with disabilities BUT War has an impact for life
Supporting family carers in Melbourne’s West The refugee experience Violence Loss and grief Trauma Lack of basic human rights Resilience
Who is coming to Australia?
Culture shock and settlement
Case study
Barriers to supporting carers in new arrival families Family duty and honour The stigma of mental illness Lack of understanding of services Distrust of “authority” Lack of bicultural carers and staff Inaccessible information Settlement v. carer needs
Dismantling barriers Awareness raising in settlement organizations Community education Knowledge of settlement data Translations for new arrivals Respite workers in new communities Cultural competency review
Ask ourselves … Do our values, governance, staff team, planning, policies, practices, procedures, and communication strategies demonstrate our cultural competency?
Post-war care