Eric Schuh Lydiksen Elementary 2014-2015 Welcome to Fifth Grade! Eric Schuh Lydiksen Elementary 2014-2015 Thank you for supporting your child and letting them know how important their education is. This is a year of responsibility. Please encourage independence. ?Changes in your Fifth grader?
About Me Originally from San Lorenzo, California Teaching since 1996 (15th year here at Lydiksen) Master’s Degree in 2003 Continuing Professional Development Pleasanton resident since 2002 Married with two sons
Special Year Instrumental Band & Strings DARE Kindergarten Buddies Outdoor Education Leadership Opportunities
Philosophy I believe that it is my duty to encourage students to take an active approach to their learning. I believe that every single one of my students is capable of succeeding. I believe that students who do not take an active role in their own education will miss out on opportunities. I believe that no matter what you are doing, you should do your best. “Good enough” never is.
Expectations Come to school prepared Follow directions the first time they are given. Respect others and their property Stay on task Follow classroom and school rules Listen Try Be Nice
CHANGES YOU MIGHT NOTICE IN YOUR 5TH GRADER Exaggerated emotions may be expressed More conscious and judgmental of own appearance Conforming to peer expectations Has secret codes, meeting places, cliques, etc. Able to be responsible Increased activity and appetite Attempting to conform to societal and peer expectations (which may be in conflict) *Independence from parents begins and child may challenge authority Admits interest in opposite sex Teases and shows off for the opposite sex Needs to be noticed
Goals for the Year Independent learners Critical thinkers Excited seekers of knowledge! Meet the California state standards Develop life long skills Prepared for middle school
Curriculum/Grading The Curriculum is based on the California State Standards Individual student progress will be assessed each trimester in accordance with established grade level standards. Students who are at risk of not meeting district standards will receive notification and the opportunity to participate in school intervention programs. Can refer to parent handbook for standards or State of California website See handout -- Parents’ guide to Standards-Based Reporting Describes what students should know and be able to do by the end of the year
Language Arts Reading Writing Written and Oral English Language Conventions Speaking and Listening Reading to learn, not learning to read Reading – Word Analysis, Fluency, Systemic Vocabulary Development, Reading Comprehension, Literary Response and Analysis -Literature Circles -Anthologies (short stories) from Houghton Mifflin -Novels: Bridge to Terabithia, Sign of the Beaver, Tuck Everlasting and others -Independent Reading:*Students are required to read one book per month. -Wordly Wise – 15 words, nightly activities, weekly tests Writing – Writing Strategies, Writing Applications (Organization and Focus, Research and Technology, Evaluation and Revision, Narratives, Responses to Literature, Research Reports, Persuasive Letters) Written and Oral English Language Conventions (Sentence Structure, Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling) Spelling – 20 words, nightly activities, weekly tests, Enrichment Listening and Speaking – oral reports, presentations
Mathematics Place value and decimal fraction Whole number and decimal fraction operations Addition and subtraction of fractions Addition and multiplication with volume and are Problem solving with the coordinate plane
History/Social Science American Indians to Westward Expansion U.S. Geography States and Capitals Social Studies is integrated with reading and language arts program. Pre Columbian Settlements Early Explorers of the Americas American Indians The Colonial Era Causes of the American Revolution Courses and Consequences of the American Revolution The U.S. Constitution America: from 1789 to the mid 1800’s To make history come alive, I have developed exciting thematic units that will include literature, crafts, cooking, looking at artifacts/primary sources, role playing and writing.
Science/Health Physical, Earth, & Life Science Investigation and Experimentation Human Growth & Development Outdoor Education Physical Science: Elements and their combinations account for all the varied types of matter in the world. Life Science: Plants and animals have structures for respiration, digestion, waste disposal, and transport of materials. DARE and Human Growth and Development education is taught. Earth Science: Water on Earth moves between the oceans and land through the process of evaporation and condensation. Investigation and Experimentation: Ask meaningful questions and conducts careful investigations. Twice a week your child will go to the science lab. Integrated demonstrations and student experiments in the science lab are used throughout the units.
P.E., Music and Library P.E. is planned twice per week. Students should wear comfortable shoes and clothing. Music is scheduled one day per week. Band is available for students who are interested. Library is scheduled every week. Library and research skills will be taught.
Computer Lab Computer lab is scheduled once per week. Students will work on keyboarding skills and curriculum support activities. Students will be introduced to Word, Excel, PowerPoint and similar program applications.
Character Education Compassion- be kind to self and others Honesty- tell the truth Responsibility- always do your best Respect- use good manners Integrity- do the right thing Self-discipline- set goals and work towards them Character in Action Monitors
Policies Attendance Discipline Praise and Rewards Students are responsible to make up any missed work. They will have the number of days absent to make up the work. Discipline Loss of Recess, Sentences Praise and Rewards Positive feedback, Table Winners, Auction, Friday Funday Students are responsible to find out what assignments they missed. They will need to make up any missed work. They will have the number of days absent to make up the work.
Homework Policy Consistently Monday-Thursday. 40 -50 minutes, on average Late work will not be accepted without prior arrangement. Homework will be assigned consistently Monday-Thursday. Generally, students should spend 40 -50 minutes on homework per night. At times, research and writing will be necessary outside of class. 20 spelling words a week - enrichment 15 vocabulary words a week – Tests on Friday Students are encouraged to take trips to the library. We require that students read a minimum of 20 minutes independently at home.
Field Trips Lawrence Livermore Lab The Tech Museum of Innovation Outdoor School End of the Year Swim Party at the Aquatic Center We need drivers $ Outdoor Ed Parent night - November
Supporting Your Child Praise children for completing their responsibilities Encourage daily practice Assist with remedial math concept work Pose higher-order questions about what your student reads Set up a quiet, comfortable study area with good lighting Practice -- flash cards Onlineintervention -- click on homework. Don’t go ahead, just for remediation
Supporting the Classroom Room Parent Class Photographer Auction representative Computer Helper Ink Cartridges (HP, Dell, & Lexmark) Donating to the HELP Fund Wish List items ?
Ways to Contact Me Email ( Send in a note with your child Phone (426-4421) When sending emails, put your child’s first name in the subject line, otherwise your email may be deleted.
Thank You for coming! I am looking forward to a wonderful year! Questions?