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Tropical Fruit VegetablesVitamins & Minerals Food Facts Fast Food Diet and Disease
A 100
What is pineapple? A 100
A 200
What is mango? A 200
A 300
What is papaya? A 300
A 400
What is star fruit? A 400
A 500
What is dragon fruit? A 500
B 100
What are carrots? B 100
B 200
What are onions? B 200
B 300
What is cauliflower? Cauliflower comes in many colors shapes and sizes. Romanesco italian cauliflower
B 400
What is eggplant? B 400
B 500
What are watermelon radishes? B 500
The best way to get the vitamins and minerals your body needs. C 100
What is eating? C 100
Milk is the best dietary source of this mineral. C 200
What is Calcium? C 200
This vitamin is thought to help prevent colds. C 300
What is Vitamin C? C 300
This vitamin is important for good eyesight. C 400
What is Vitamin A? C 400
This vitamin helps with blood clotting. C 500
What is vitamin K? C 500
D 100 Fruit or vegetable?
What is fruit? D 100
This Italian dish is very popular and known around the world- especially in America. D 200
What is pizza? D 200
This vegetable is used to make pickles. D 300
What is cucumber? D 300
The vegetable from the cabbage family that is closely related to the cauliflower. D 400
What is broccoli? D 400
Nearly all fruits and vegetables are fat free. This delicious fruit does contain fat. It is green and butter-like and has a big pit. D 500
What is avocado? D 500
Many fast food restaurants offer healthier food choices. True or false? E 100
What is true? E 100
This is a fast food healthier alternative to french fries. E 200
What is baked potato, salad, or apple slices? E 200
This is a healthy alternative to soda and it is available at most fast food chains. E 300
What is milk or 100% fruit juice? E 300
Fast food often contains high amounts of calories, fat and _____. E 400
What is sodium (salt)? E 400
An average fast food meal contains approximately this percentage of calories from fat. a)25% b)50% c)75% E 500
What is 50%? E 500
Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can help you prevent this disease. F 100
What is cancer? F 100
In addition to eating healthy foods, we need to do this to keep our bodies healthy. F 200
What is exercise? F 200
This is how often a person should get exercise. F 300
What is 30 minutes a day, five or more days a week? F 300
The blood sugar levels are controlled by diet and/or insulin in this disease. F 400
What is diabetes? F 400
This is the most common cause of death in North America. F 500
What is heart disease? F 500
The Final Jeopardy Category is: Food Groups Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin
Candy, soda, and chips are part of this food group. Click on screen to continue
What is they are not part of any of the food groups. Click on screen to continue
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