Theme 6 Selection 1 Selection 3 Selection 2Nature: Friend and Foe
Nature In what ways do you interact with nature? How does nature affect your life? How do you affect nature? Why do you think this theme is called Nature: Friend and Foe? How does the poem show nature as a friend? As a foe?
Genre: Nonfiction Factual writing about real people things and events Nature: Friend and Foe
Purposes for Reading Strategy focus: summarize Comprehension skill: following directions Vocabulary development Critical thinking, discussion Nature: Friend and Foe
Key Vocabulary abundance ancestors lure spawn filets scavengers Nature: Friend and Foe
Genre: Expository Nonfiction Informational writing presents and explains real people, things, and events Nature: Friend and Foe
Purposes for Reading Strategy focus: monitor/clarify Comprehension skill: topic, main idea, details Vocabulary development Critical thinking, discussion Nature: Friend and Foe
Key Vocabulary ablaze aggressively charred consumed cycles ember flammable renew Nature: Friend and Foe
Genre: Historical Fiction This fictional story uses believable characters and events to recreate a past time. Nature: Friend and Foe
Purposes for Reading Strategy focus: predict/infer Comprehension skill: making inferences Vocabulary development Critical thinking, discussion Nature: Friend and Foe
Key Vocabulary corral coyote drought prairie slumped phonograph Nature: Friend and Foe