Red Bluff High School English Learner Strategies
Word Squares 1. Take a white flashcard and have a seat. 2. Divide the square in four equal parts. 3. Write word, definition, illustration, and sentence on the top of each box. 4. Choose any word from your lessons this week. 5. Finally, complete each box by writing the word, writing it’s definition, drawing it, and using the term in a sentence that has at least 15 words.
Strategy #1: Vocabulary and Language Development Word Squares Word: COLLEGE Definition: A place for learning that offers more advanced education than high school. Illustration:Sentence: Red Bluff High School prepares students for college, careers, and life.
Mural of Terms
Strategy #2 Guided Interaction Graphic Organizers
Strategy #3 Metacognition and Authentic Assessment Cloze (Thinking and not just memorizing)/CFU
Strategy #4 Modeling, Graphic Organizers, and Visuals Image to word connections/Final Products
Comic Books
Strategy #5 Explicit Instruction (Scaffolding, Step by step) Descriptive Presentations
Writing Draft
Strategy #6 Meaning-Based Context and Universal Themes Personal Biographies
CELDT Graphs
Business Letters
English Learner Websites/Programs Accelerated Reader Read Naturally