A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act IV, Scene 1 & 2 Reading Parts: Narrator Titania Bottom Peaseblossom Cobweb Mustardseed Oberon Robin (Puck) Theseus Hippolyta Egeus Lysander Demetrius Hermia Helena Quince Starveling Flute Snug
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act IV, Scene 1 & 2 1.What humorous requests does Bottom have for the fairies? 2.Who “won” the quarrel between Oberon and Titania? How? Is this behavior appropriate or typical of gender roles?
A Midsummer Night’s Dream Act IV, Scene 1 & 2 3.How does Demetrius reconcile his love for Helena? 4.What is noteworthy about the comments the lovers make in regards to the confusion between sleep and wakefulness? 5.What commentary does Shakespeare make through Bottom about man falling in love? Hint: Look at what he says about his dream.