OBJECTIVE A group of 4 students will produce a video that details a scientific article connected to the topic of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster. The students will belong to the same subject group - i.e. All Bio students work in the same group. The exception to this rule is the Environmental System Students (Only 2 students) On March 30 th from 4-6 pm we will watch these movies at a Science Symposium in the cafeteria with staff members from the school, your fellow students, and families of students.
RESOURCES TO FIND AN ARTICLE You may want to start with Wikipedia for some general background information on the incident. (This will not be your actual article) Another place for article ideas is and However, your article must be peer reviewed and come from a scientific journal. Here are resources for where to find these: PLOS (public library of science), Scitable, DOE (department of energy), NNSA (National Nuclear Security Administration), Google scholar, Pub med central, PNAS (Publications of the National Academy of Sciences).
MOVIE OBJECTIVES Title Background Information (You will most likely have to look outside your article for this) Summary of Findings. Relevance of Article - Political - Historical - Health - Environmental - Etc. Participation from all students involved (we must hear you or see you presenting in the movie) 5-7 Minutes in length, No more, No less!
GUIDELINES 1.Know what you are talking about. (If you don’t understand something do more research!) 2.Don’t plagiarize. (Don’t read to us from the article, summarize ideas) 3.Understand all graphs and charts (its good practice to start with the title of the graph and what the axis are representing including units. Explain any weird units) 4.Don’t make assumptions. You are the expert on your article. We are hearing it for the first time. If these guidelines are not followed the video will be sent back to you to redo.
DEADLINES March 12. -Article submission to Mr. Wedel ( is fine March 21 -Video is uploaded to youtube and an is sent to Mr. Brown with a link to the video. March 30 th -Presentation of Videos in cafeteria from pm -Self Reflection (including your strengths, weaknesses, contributions, and growth from participating given to your subject specific teacher. -Time Log given to your subject specific teacher.
TIMELOG EXAMPLE Introduction to group hour Research – 4 hours Creating Video – 2 hours Science Symposium – 2 hours Reflection - 1 hour Total: 1o hours