Psychology in Pictures Put your name here Save the file as your first and last name Save it NOW!!!
Search and use images to represent what we’ve read so far ** since these are Mac computers, use ‘drag and drop’ to get images on the slides ** be creative **budget time to turn in the slideshow in the last 5 min of the period…. Either or on my flash drive ** delete this slide if you don’t need it
Piaget’s stages of development Sensorimotor stage Preoperational stage Formal operational Concrete operational Find and image for each of these stages Arrange the text and photo together Delete this text box
Psychosexual development Oral stage Anal stage genital stage phallic stage Latency stage Find images to represent each stage Use some good judgment please Arrange the stages in order Delete this text box
Parenting styles Authoritarian families democratic families permissive families Find an image to represent each of these Parenting styles and arrange the slide Delete this text box
Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development Here is Erikson’s stages Find 5 images that demonstrate stage 5 Which is early teens asking Who am I? Delete this text box and the arrow