Please have out your pro/con list. As a table group, pick the top 5 reasons for each side. Write on a white board. Choose someone to share responses in 5 minutes.
Please have out your writing folder. If you were not here on Friday, please get the two papers in the “Friday” folder by the computer lab door.
Persuasive Essay Subject Should Physical Education classes be a required course in middle school?
Pros – “yes” People get exercise Fun Proven to help kids academically Learn to work together Keeps students healthy, keep in shape Break from the classroomGet a chance to meet new people Don’t have to sit down, get move around, Get fresh air Learn new sports Lose weight Easy grade Cons “no” Waste of time Injuries Stresses out kids because they are graded Takes away from learning time Getting whipped by shirts Allergies to grass, pollen Costs money for clothes, equipment Change in front of people Run the mile is tiring
Body Paragraphs Thesis – Physical Education should be a required course in middle school. 1 st reason – In PE students get a break from the regular classroom. 2 nd reason – PE introduces students to new sports. 3 rd reason – Physical Education helps students become more healthy. Per. B
Writing Folder 7 th grade divider sheet Jane Schaffer Terminology Notes Persuasive divider sheet Persuasive Notes PE pro/con list PE Thesis/Topic Sentence Chart 6 th grade divider sheet 6 th grade work
Introduction – all CM #1- Over the years, PE has become an important part of the school day. #2 – Today, every student still needs a set time at school to be energetic instead of lazy. #3 – Physical Education should be a required course in middle school.
Reason opposition – Helper Sheet ts – However, some people may argue that PE causes injuries. CD – They think students can get hit in the face with balls, or they could fall and scrape their knees. CM – In fact, student injuries are not common and as along as students follow the rules, accidents are less likely to occur. CM – Teachers watch students to stop inappropriate behavior, and they are constantly ensuring student safety. CS – Therefore, Physical Education should be a required class in middle school. Per. B
agenda Read AR book Think about reason 1 support.
t-chart – 1 st reason – In PE students get a break from the regular classroom. CDs Get to exercise your body Get fresh air Move around Less academic work Less structured Free time to play Not in a classroom Teachers give no homework, less tests Frees up time for academic classes CMs Fun Relaxing your brain Not stressful Easy grade Per. E
Reason # 1 – Shaping Sheet ts - During PE class, students get a break from the regular classroom. cd – This is a time for students to move around, get fresh air, and not be in a structured learning environment. cd – PE teachers give less homework and tests, which gives a student more time for their academic classes. cm – By participating in a daily PE, students have fun in a stress free class. cs – PE gives students that needed time off so they are relaxed for the rest of the day.
t-chart – 2 nd reason – PE introduces students to new sports. CDs Learn sportsmanship, teamwork Learn how to share Learn rules of specific sports, games Get practice Introduced to sports a person never would have tried Fitness room CMs Have fun Become better athlete Helps in team sports outside of school Healthy Energetic while having fun Per. B CS -
Reason # 2 – Shaping Sheet Ts - PE helps students become better people by teaching important life skills through sports. Cd -Participating in daily PE, students learn teamwork, sportsmanship, and sharing. CD – While students learn the rules of new sports, new interests can be found. Cm This is important because students gain self confidence and valuable social skills when working as a team. Cs PE creates a well rounded student.
Agenda Read AR book Think about the 2 nd reason sentences.
t-chart – 3 rd reason Physical Education helps students become healthy. TS: CDs Exercise your body Get moving Be energetic Get in shape Lose weight Get stronger stay fit Lowers your chances for some diseases like diabetes Improves your lungs, Good for your heart and lungs Build muscle Obesity is prevalent Most children need at least one hour of exercise a day. 24% of all California children are obese CMs – WHY????? Good for you Makes you feel better for the rest of the day Makes you feel better about your body/self-confidence / emotionally So you can live a happy life Improves your blood flow Per.B
Reason # 3 – Shaping Sheet Ts - Physical Education helps students become healthy. Cd – Currently, 24% of all California children are obese, so a set time each day to exercise is crucial. Cd – PE helps children get the one hour of daily physical activity that is recommended by American Pediatric Association. Cm – Students will build a stronger body, improve blood circulation, and feel better about themselves while being active. Cs – Physical Education supports a child’s growing body to ensure a long and happy life.
Conclusion Paragraph 6 – all CM #1 – I want to persuade my reader that PE should be a required course in middle school. #2 – A daily pe class offers students a break from the regular classroom, teaches important life skills, and creates a healthy person. #3 – Physical Education class is a crucial part of every middle school student’s day.
PE Planning Sheet Packet (9 papers) Pro/Con List Thesis / Topic Sentence Chart Introduction shaping sheet Opposition Helper Sheet Reason 1 t-chart / shaping sheet Reason 2 t-chart / shaping sheet Reason 3 t-chart / shaping sheet Conclusion shaping sheet Rough Draft Final Draft NOT stapled in packet.