Goal Of Tennis Hit the ball into your opponent’s court once more than your opponent can hit it into yours.
The Court
Court Terminology Net (3 feet) Doubles Sideline Single Sideline Baseline Length = 78 ft. Width = 27 ft. singles doubles = 36 ft. Center Mark Right Service Court Left Service Court Center Service Line Back Service Line Alley = 4.5 ft.
Start EVERY game from the right court. After each point alternate service courts Both feet behind baseline, between center mark and singles sideline. FOOT FAULT = lost point Toss ball in the air, hit before it touches the ground. Players may serve underhanded.
Service Rules (Cont.) A ball hitting a line is IN. The server has two chances to get a fair serve in. The first error is a FAULT. Two service faults in a row is a DOUBLE FAULT receiver earns point Must call out the score before serving Serve across to the diagonal service court.
Service Rules (Cont.) FAULTS Touching or crossing over baseline while serving the ball Ball does not land in diagonal service box Ball hits into the net Server misses the ball when attempting to hit it
LET (Let the serve be served again) Ball hits the net and lands in the correct service box. Ball is served when the receiver was not ready There is an outside interference during the serve or during the following play. Any play where there is a question about legality. Unless a fault or a let is called, the ball is in play from the moment the server hits the ball, and remains in play until the point is decided.
DOUBLES SERVICE ORDER A&B are partners, C&D are partners One person serves the entire GAME FIRST GAME: A serves SECOND GAME: C serves THIRD GAME: B serves FOURTH GAME: D serves FIFTH GAME: A serves
Court Positioning Server SP Rec. RP
Rally Scoring
SCORING GAME: Zero…………………Love 1 st Point…………… nd Point…………… rd Point…………… th Point………………GAME…….provided the team is ahead by two points
Scoring (Cont.) DEUCE: score and any other tie thereafter Player winning next two points wins GAME Ad-In (Advantage Server) Serving team wins next point after deuce Ad-Out (Advantage Receiver) Receiving team wins next point after deuce
Scoring Example Player A (server) = 2 pts. Player B = 3pts SCORE: 30 – 40 A earns next point SCORE: Deuce B earns point SCORE: Ad-Out A earns point SCORE: Deuce B earns point: SCORE: Ad-Out B earns point: SCORE: GAME
Scoring Rules (Cont.) KEEPING TRACK OF THE SCORE: Odd (Ad) and Even (Deuce) Courts Right Service Court is the Deuce Court every time you serve the score is even Example: love-love=0, 15-15=2 deuce=6 Left Service Court is the Ad Court every time you serve the score is odd Example: love-15=1, 15-30=3, love-40=3
Scoring Rules (Cont.) GAME: Winning by two points SET: Win 6 games and be ahead by two games A match can be played to the best of 3 sets (a player/team needs to win 2 sets to win the match) or to the best of 5 sets (a player/team needs to win 3 sets to win the match).
A PLAYER LOSES THE POINT Fails to return the ball over the net. Allowing the ball to bounce twice before hitting it. Touching the net with the racket. Reaching over the net. Hitting the ball more than once during a stroke. Catching the ball and calling it out.
SMASH - a hard and fast downward hit with a overhead stroke LOB - a high arching shot over the players reach RALLY - a ball hit back and forth several times VOLLEY - a ball hit before it bounces
Begin each point with two tennis balls Each team is responsible for the tennis balls on their side of net Be sure opponent is ready for the serve Never return a 1 st serve that is out Call “OUT” quickly on a serve Chase and retrieve own teams tennis balls