Chapter 17 - The Renaissance Section 2, New Ways of Viewing the World 1.In general, what was it that made the “new learning” new? 2.What element or elements in a Renaissance religious painting probably would have surprised a medieval viewer? 3.Explain why the use of vernacular language was important? 4.What Greek and Roman ideas about art and beauty inspired Renaissance artists?
RenaissanceMedieval Humanism study of classical works sinfulness of human beings Secularism religion not the center of human affairs life as a painful pilgrimage to heaven Individualism the importance of the individual art glorified God, not the artist Section 2: New Ways of Viewing the World How did the Renaissance reflect new ways of thinking? learning for self-improvement not a religious life life for enjoyment writings to entertain rather than spiritual “man is the measure of all things.” the individual is judge of what is good or important. 1. Marco Miranda
secularism was clear in writings that were intended to entertain or inform rather than to promote spirituality everyday spoken language of the people
Last Supper - Leonardo Da Vinci
Comparing Art Medieval Religious Lack of Details, No Setting No proportion Lack Emotion Bodies are covered Artist Unknown Renaissance Religious Setting, Vivid Details Emotions Bodies in Proportion Bodies Uncovered Patrons, Painters, and People in Paintings