Write an essay on Sergeant Buford Johnson Paragraph #1: Introduce the Tuskegee Airmen, identifying who they are and briefly explaining what you know about this group of men. (This section should be at least three sentences.) The last sentence of this paragraph should be the following: Among this group of men is Sergeant Buford Johnson.
Paragraph #2 First Sentence: Sergeant Buford Johnson, a member of The Tuskegee Airmen, is a ______ and ___________ man. (Fill in each blank with an adjective.) Discuss each adjective, giving examples and commentary.
Paragraph #3 From listening to Sergeant Buford Johnson discuss his experiences as part of The Tuskegee Airmen, I learned _______ ___________________________________________________. This awareness leads me to understand ___________________ ____________________________________________________. Notice that I am allowing 1st person in this last paragraph. While this is not always acceptable, it works in this particular essay. If you prefer to stay in 3 rd person, you may do so.