REGISTRATION Coursework Selection Alternate Coursework Course Selection Sheet
REGISTRATION BOOKLET Share with your Parent Parent Signature Required Individual Meetings with Students School Schedule
GRADUATION & COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS Requirements are Different! Complete the Graduation Check Sheet Schedule Changing Process
TAKE NOTE! What to Consider Career Center Articulated Classes Permission to Enroll Advanced Coursework
COURSE OFFERINGS Course Name Course Number Semester or Year Long Prerequisite New Classes
Who can join? Students of all academic levels and backgrounds are invited to participate Students selected for the team will be enrolled in “0” period where they will prepare for the competition If interested, see Mrs. Menter in B-9 What is it? A competition where students in teams of 9 compete in 11 events focused on one historical theme (this year’s theme was WWI) Students will: take 7 academic exams write an essay deliver a speech conduct an interview compete in the intense, publicly broadcast SuperQuiz Contemporary World Affairs (CHS Academic Decathlon)
ADVANCED COURSEWORK READ Descriptions MAY DEADLINE! Summer Assignments on CHS Website Honors/AP Contract
PERMISSION TO ENROLL School Service Teacher’s Aide Journalism Yearbook Unity Studio Art AP
IMPORTANT POINTS 220 Credits Required 350 Minimum CAHSEE Score Credit Recovery Coursework Includes Online Coursework, Adult Education or Career Technical Education (CTE) Lee Pollard High School offers Credit Recovery 4 Year Colleges Require the SAT or ACT
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