Nuestra Senora de la Soledad Jennasie Gomez
Table of Contents Mission Site Father Serra and Founder of Mission Mission Layout and Bell Tower When and where Mission was built Agriculture and Livestock Indians Joining this Mission Significant Events Population Current Use of Mission What I Liked Best Bibliography Back to main menu
When Mission was Built (Founded) The mission Nuestra Senora de la Soledad was built on October 9,1791.The mission Nuesttra Senorade la soldad was founed by Franciscam order on October 9,1791.Project began in 1954 and a new dedicated in 1955.
Mission Site The mission Nuestra Senora de la Soleded was found on October 9,1791.Thirty miles south east of monterey in the Sainas River.
Father Junipero Serra Father Junipero Serra was born on 1713 on a island calld Petra of Mallorck span.