1 So…how good are you at lying? Using the first finger of your dominant hand, simply draw a capital letter Q on your forehead… Pay attention to how you drew it.
High self-monitors tend to draw the letter Q in a way in which it could be seen by someone facing them with the tail facing to the left. Low self-monitors tend to draw the letter Q in a way in which it could be read by themselves with the tail facing to the right. So….
High self-monitors Tend to be concerned with how other people see them. They are happy being the center of attention, can easily adapt their behavior to suit the situation in which they find themselves, and are skilled at manipulating how others see them. As a result, they tend to be good at lying.
Low self-monitors Come across as being the "same person" in different situations. Their behavior is guided more by their inner feelings and values, and they are less aware of their impact on those around them. They also tend to lie less in life, and therefore are not as skilled at deceit as high self- monitors.
Did you lie about the Q? Dr. Wiseman… Over time, I have noticed that a small number of people, upon hearing what the test is all about, quickly convince themselves that they traced the letter Q in the opposite direction to the way they actually drew it. These people are able to ignore the evidence right in front of them; they twist the facts to fit the type of person they want to be. As a result, the test provides a rough indicator of how good you are at deceiving both yourself and others.