Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa Sabrina Monreal
Table of Contents Mission Site Father Serra and Founder of Mission Mission Layout and Bell Tower When and where Mission was built Agriculture and Livestock Indians Joining this Mission Significant Events Population Current Use of Mission What I Liked Best Bibliography Back to main menu
When Mission was Built (Founded) San Luis Obispo de Tolosa was founded on September 1,1772. The mission was founded by Junipero Serra San Luis Obispo was the fifth mission founded.
Mission Site San Luis Obispo was located in a valley along the central coast. The name is Spanish for La Canada de Los Osos (valley of the bear) When they discovered grizzlies Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa is located in san Luis Obispo California.
Founder of Mission The mission founder of San Luis Obispo de Tolosa was Father Serra. Father Junipero Serra (Fr.serra) was born on November 24,1713 and he died on August 28, 1784 (aged 70)
Mission Layout and Bell Tower
Agriculture and Livestock Mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa had 2,500 cattle and 5,422 sheep. Over the years 1804~1832 San Luis Obispo produced 167,000 bushles of wheat, barly, corn, beans, peas, and lontils. It had the highest production of wheat in the chain.
Indians Joining this Mission At mission san Luis Obispo de Tolosa the neophyte (Indians) at the mission were called Obispeno. San Luis Obispo was the first mission found in the land of the chumash people.
Population The highest recorded of population at san Luis Obispo de Tolosa was 832 in 1804. The population in 2010 is a total of 45,119.
Significant Events In 1776 Indians fired an arrow with a burning wick attached into one of the dry roofs. It started a fired. By 1790 most missions had tile roof that were not able to catch on fire.
Current Use of the Mission Central parish church for city of san Luis Obispo. The mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa mission Restored church and museum in San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo county California. The church has a unque L shaped bell tower with three bell at the front of the bell tower and two bells on the side of the tower.
What I Liked Best What I like best about the project is that I got to make mission San Luis Obispo de Tolosa it was so fun to make the mission because my family helped me and that really made me happy.
How to write a bibliography Webpages: Name of Author. "Title of Web Page." Date you accessed this page. <URL>. "The California Missions Trail." 2 Feb 2010. <http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=22722>. Images (pictures): “Title of Image.” Title of website. Date you accessed the picture. <URL>. "Mission San Diego de Alcala." South Coast of California. 2 Feb 2010. <http://www.inn-california.com/southcoast/sandiegoC/missionsandiegodealcala/sandiegodealcala.html>. Books: Name of Author. Title of Book. Name of editor, translator or compiler. Location: Publisher, Year. page numbers. Griffiths, Paul. A Concise History of Avant-Garde Music: From Debussy to Boulez. New York: Oxford UP, 1978. Voelkel, James R. Johannes Kepler and the New Astronomy. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.