FCERA Budget Proposal Fiscal Year Executive Summary June 1, 2011
FY Executive Summary2 FCERA Administrative Budget 1937 Act defines Board obligations Board establishes FCERA goals and objectives to meet its obligations Staff estimates resources required to meet Board obligations
FY Executive Summary3 Budget Goals for Continue implementation of business projects that resulted from Strategic Planning with an emphasis on Information Technology initiative Retain and develop talent through career tracks and merit recognition Implement operational efficiencies on retirement processes to better serve our membership Keep up with new challenges created by a dynamic retirement environment and the current economic and financial environment
FY Executive Summary4 Projected Proposed X = Adopted Projected Presentation Methodology (1)(2) Proposed Adopted
FY Executive Summary5 Accounting for the Difference Projected Budget to Proposed Budget
FY Executive Summary6 Salaries & Benefits Projected vs. Proposed
FY Executive Summary7 Benefits
FY Executive Summary8 Regular Wages
FY Executive Summary9 Extra-Help Wages
FY Executive Summary10 Overtime Wages
FY Executive Summary11 Salaries & Benefits Adopted vs. Proposed
FY Executive Summary12 Projected Budget X Budget Projected Methodology $ 2,194,509 $ 2,228, X = $ 2,198,027 $ 2,194,509 (1) (2) $2,228,614 $ 2,198, A 1.39% increase from Prior Year Budget
FY Executive Summary13 Services & Supplies Projected vs. Proposed
FY Executive Summary14 Fixed Assets
FY Executive Summary15 Professional Services
FY Executive Summary16 Professional Services – Proposed Detail
FY Executive Summary17 ITSD Proposed costs are established by the County of Fresno Information Technology Services Department (ITSD)
FY Executive Summary18 Other
FY Executive Summary19 Liability Insurance
FY Executive Summary20 Training & Travel (Board & Staff) Trustee and staff education-related travel
FY Executive Summary21 General Operating Expense
FY Executive Summary22 Utilities
FY Executive Summary23 Maintenance, Buildings & Grounds
FY Executive Summary24 PENSIONS System Maintenance
FY Executive Summary25 Services & Supplies Adopted vs. Proposed
FY Executive Summary26 Methodology $ 1,601,311 $ 2,525, X = $ 1,776,292 (1) (2) $2,525,879 $ 1,776, A 42.20% increase from Prior Year Budget
FY Executive Summary27 Total Budget Adopted vs. Proposed
FY Executive Summary28 Fresno County Employees’ Retirement Association Alternative Calculation of Estimated Maximum Administrative Budget for Budget Year