Quad (four)
Quadrangle (N) An Enclosure – With 4 sides – Surrounded by buildings The 4 th and 5 th grade students ate their feast in the quadrangle.
Quadrant (N) A part – Of 4 sections A circle A grid Please pick the quadrant with the correct answer.
Quadrennial (Adj) Happening – Every 4 years The Summer Olympics are quadrennial.
Quadriceps (N) A muscle group – With four muscles – Along the front of the thigh After the walk-a-thon, my quadriceps were killing me.
Quadrilateral (N) A plane figure – With 4 sides Square Rectangle Rhombus Parallelogram Trapezoid We will discuss the different quadrilaterals in math class.
Quadrilingual (Adj) Ability – To speak 4 languages My friend, Alicia, is quadrilingual;she speaks Spanish, French, Chinese and English.
Quadrisect (V.) To cut – Into 4 pieces The doctor was able to quadrisect the pill.
Quadruped (N) A thing – With four legs I must take my quadruped for a walk around the block each day.
Quadruple (v) 4 times – As much of something The quadruple scope cone was hard to eat.
Quadruplet (V.) A group – Of 4 – One of 4 babies The beautiful quadruplet was very small at birth.