Hot Words #6
1. Chastise (v.) to criticize severely (v.) to criticize severely If you chastise Jason, he immediately begins to weep. If you chastise Jason, he immediately begins to weep.
2. Chimerical (adj.) absurd; wildly fanciful. (adj.) absurd; wildly fanciful. Don Quixote frequently involved himself in chimerical flights of fancy. Don Quixote frequently involved himself in chimerical flights of fancy.
3. Chronic (adj.) lasting a long time; constant (adj.) lasting a long time; constant When Dad’s cough became chronic, we cajoled him into getting a chest x-ray. When Dad’s cough became chronic, we cajoled him into getting a chest x-ray.
4. Circumspect (adj.) careful (adj.) careful Normally circumspect, Rodney let slip the damaging information. Normally circumspect, Rodney let slip the damaging information.
5. Clairvoyant (adj.) having exceptional insight. (adj.) having exceptional insight. Cindy claimed to be clairvoyant, but she couldn’t even find her car keys in her purse. Cindy claimed to be clairvoyant, but she couldn’t even find her car keys in her purse.
6. Clandestine (adj.) Secret. Secret. The Secretary of State served as a catalyst for the clandestine session between feuding nations. The Secretary of State served as a catalyst for the clandestine session between feuding nations.
7. Clemency (n.) Mercy; mildness. Mercy; mildness. The prisoner’s plea for clemency fell on deaf ears. The prisoner’s plea for clemency fell on deaf ears.
8. Coalesce (v.) To grow together; to combine. To grow together; to combine. The two lakes coalesce into one. The two lakes coalesce into one.
9. Colloquial (adj.) Conversational; used in informal speech and writing. Conversational; used in informal speech and writing. Jeremy was chastised by his English teacher for his colloquial compositions. Jeremy was chastised by his English teacher for his colloquial compositions.
10. Commiserate (v.) To sympathize with; to feel sorrow for another’s suffering. To sympathize with; to feel sorrow for another’s suffering. His teammates commiserated with Hank after he had struck out with the bases loaded. His teammates commiserated with Hank after he had struck out with the bases loaded.