Welcome to the 50 th state!
Hawaii – The Big Island Made of 5 volcanoes Most active volcano – Kilauea Two types of lava –Pahoehoe Smooth surface –A’a Rugged suface
Pacific plate moves over a hot spot
Let’s concentrate on Hawaii
Which way does the lava go?
Mauna Kea is a dormant volcano in the Hawaiian Islandsdormant volcano Hawaiian Islands
Sunset over Mauna Kea
Mauna Loa largest volcano on Earth
Kilauea volcano is one of the most active on Earth. Halemaumau Crater at Kilauea's summit.
This is a collapsed caldera on Kilauea
Hawaii’s volcanoes are shield volcanoes. They are over a hot spot. They erupt continuously.
Lava flows
The overlook at Puu Puai provides an excellent view of the Kilauea Iki pit crater
In the caldera
A great example of pahoehoe
Magma erupts and then sinks as it cools and hardens
Examples of both kinds of lava
The end of the ROAD!
Lava flows to the sea and creates new land. The island of Hawaii is growing.
Minerals in the lava make the soil fertile. Plants grow quickly.
More steam vents What’s that smell?
Hot lava What kind of lava is this?
Lava is rich in minerals so plants grow quickly. Evidence that plants don’t need soil - only minerals, water, sun, carbon dioxide.
More lava
What is this?
1984 Mauna Loa eruption
cools and hardens
Another picture
Another lava picture!!!
It doesn’t take long
Just another day in paradise