Student-Athlete Reinstatement Process Initial Recruitment- evaluation, questionnaire, scholarship offer Initial Recruitment- evaluation, questionnaire, scholarship offer Institution receives Eligibility Center (EC) decision and abides by EC and any appeals decisions – Once SA competes, institution continues to monitor SA status Eligible Ineligible SAR staff appeal and info collection, AGA staff contribution SAR staff review Ineligible Eligible Conditions (repayment, withheld from contests) SAR Committee Appeal
Student-Athlete Amateurism Certification Process Initial Recruitment Division III Division I & II Certification by institution Register with NCAA Eligibility Center – online questionnaire & student release form Register with NCAA Eligibility Center – online questionnaire & student release form ACP decision – Certified Certified w/ conditions No Certification Eligible w/o conditions Eligible w/ conditions Ineligible Appeal to SAR Committee ACP staff fact- finding process Membership Services staff applies rules If conditional certification, triggering SAR Legislative Review/Interp. Process Amateurism Fact- Finding Committee request if dispute ACP Amateurism Cabinet appeal – Final determination of facts 2 1 3
SAR conditions on professional competition amateurism violations Prior to first opportunity to enroll (e.g. pre-HS graduation) 1for1, 1year max After first opportunity to enroll (e.g. post-HS graduation) 2for1, no max* Present Past 1for1, 1year maxPermanently ineligible * e.g.: exhausting remaining eligibility if total of pro games played 56 (56 X 2 = 112, approximate total of four reg. seasons of college basketball)
SAR Decision Making Philosophies and Withholding Conditions Structure PhilosophyIntent to Professionalize Intent Revised Reasonable Person Less Restrictive YearThrough Prior to First Opportunity to Enroll 1 for 1 withholding 20% withholding 8 games max 1 for 1 withholding 1 season max 1 for 1 withholding 1 season max After First Opportunity to Enroll 1 for 1 withholding 20% withholding 8 games max INELIGIBLE2 for 1 withholding No max