High Schools’ Pre-Test Workshop for Paper-Pencil Tests 2014 California Assessment of Student Performance Progress (CAASPP) California High School Exit.


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Presentation transcript:

High Schools’ Pre-Test Workshop for Paper-Pencil Tests 2014 California Assessment of Student Performance Progress (CAASPP) California High School Exit Exam January 22, 2014

Agenda New for 2014 Early Assessment Program (EAP) tests Site CAASPP & CAHSEE Coordinator responsibilities California Standards Tests (CSTs) for Science California Modified Assessment (CMA) for Science California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) CAHSEE (February, March, & May)


New for 2014 Changes in terminology and titles –STAR Coordinator is now CAASPP Coordinator Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Revised Security Agreement and Affidavit –For DSUSD, a paperless Agreement (coordinators) and Affidavit (all)

STAR and CAPA video access Web page at Test Site Coordinator & Examiner Segments General Responsibilities Grade Span or Level CST CMA CAPA Updated CAASPP Video Segments for 2014

#1 Responsibility—Security –No unauthorized electronic devices used in classroom during testing –Security audits to occur Site Coordinators’ Responsibilities

Are materials secure, accounted for, and locked up when not in use? Are correct administrative procedures being followed? For example: –Instructional materials have been removed or covered. –Students are not being coached through the exams. –Only appropriate Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations are being provided. –No unauthorized electronic devices are being used. Security Audits

Train examiners Ensure examiners READ and sign affidavits the coordinator retains Prevent errors Secure test materials Verify materials are marked correctly to ensure correct student scores Return materials promptly to District Site Coordinator Responsibilities

Affidavits No unauthorized electronic devices Correct Tests; correct students; correct rooms Monitoring Providing for untimed tests Site Coordinators: Train Examiners

Site Coordinators: Train Examiners (cont.) Examiners CANNOT: –Review test questions before, during, or after testing. –Check students’ answers including

2014 EAP To receive an EAP English status –Grade 11 CST/ELA & additional EAP questions –EAP essay Expanded window February 3 - March 26, 2014 To receive an EAP math status –CST for Algebra II or Summative High School Mathematics and the additional EAP questions EAP Student Results will be to Districts by August 8, 2014

Security is important –Only staff administering the tests should have access to them –must return all essay topic booklets –No electronic devices permitted during testing EAP information – – EAP

Grade 11 ONLY To receive status for ELA, students must complete: –Writing essay in February or March; and –CST multiple choice questions; and –Additional EAP multiple choice questions. For mathematics, students must complete additional questions on the EOC Algebra II or Summative High School Mathematics Students must mark ONLY ONE circle 2014 EAP

Students in grade 11 may take the CST for Summative High School Mathematics for EAP based on: –Completion of Algebra I, Geometry, AND Algebra II courses in previous years; or –Previously took the CST for Summative High School Mathematics. Summative High School Mathematics

All students must complete, even if Pre-ID was used. At start of EAP testing, mark EOC test name (either Algebra II or Summative HS for EAP): At Start of Testing: Section 1

CSTs for Science –Students take CST for Science in grade 10 CMA for Science –Students take CMA for Science in grade 10 –Must have IEP that designates the CMA for Science Paper-Pencil CAASPP Tests

CMA and CAPA ~ Continue to Monitor

Before Testing Receive boxes: –Before signing receipt, check number of boxes. Prepare answer documents: –Use only the 2014 scorable answer documents Prepare materials: –Test booklets –No. 2 pencils –Scratch paper (for CST/CMA Multiple Choice ONLY) –Signs

Breaks –Give breaks only at end of a part as indicated by stop sign. –Individual students may use restroom during test: Collect materials Monitor student –Some students may be allowed supervised breaks (IEP, 504, ELs) –See DFA for more information on breaks. During Testing

Performance-based, one-on-one test For students with significant cognitive disabilities unable to take the CSTs even with Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Student must have an IEP IEP specifies CAPA and level California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA)

Use only 2014 answer document. Ensure correct CAPA Level is marked in 7a. Only Level I can have “5” as a score. The highest possible score for Levels II through IV is “4.” CAPA Answer Document

Districts must double-rate a minimum of ten percent (10%) of the CAPA students per level, per site (including NPS). Students to be double-rated are randomly selected by the Assessment Office. Observers must mark Observer and BOTH examiners and observers must sign their separate answer documents. CAPA Observers

After Testing Paperwork –Complete back of answer document. –Transcribe voided answer documents. –Complete SGID. –Complete Master File Sheet. Pack: scorables vs. nonscorables –Attach district-provided shipping labels

After Testing: Train examiners to: –Erase NOTHING in answer circles. Answer Documents

Transcribe –Large print (or not processed)  In Section A3 on the back of the answer document mark “G” or “H.” –Damaged answer documents Write VOID on front of answer document(s) and return with nonscorables. After Testing

A2 Special Conditions A3 Accommodations and Modifications –Part a: mark “IEP” and/or “Section 504 plan”  Note: IEP is required to take CMA, CAPA. –Part b, mark codes for all Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations student used A4 English Learner Test Variations –For each test, what was actually used After Testing: Complete Back of Answer Documents

Make sure the REQUIRED fields are completed to ensure accurate processing. –Test –Grade  Mark only one  For CST/CMA, STS only –Number of documents –Test start date = first day of testing within window  Used by CDE accountability office After Testing: SGID & Master File Sheet

An answer document must be returned for students enrolled on the first day of testing and designated to take one of the following tests (even if not tested): –CST for Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) –CMA for Science (grades 5, 8, and 10) –CAPA (any level) Return answer documents for students with special conditions identified in Section A2. After Testing: Answer Documents to Return

California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE)

CAHSEE Requirement All students, except for eligible students with disabilities, must satisfy the CAHSEE requirement, as well as all other state and local requirements, to receive a California public high school diploma.

33 CAHSEE Testing Opportunities Grade ten: one time (March with May as make-up) Grade eleven: *two times Grade twelve: *at least three, but up to five times Adult students: *three times * May participate in successive administrations.

34 Site Coordinator’s Responsibilities Read the responsibilities and procedures in the “test site coordinator” section of the LEA TSCM Inform parents, students and teachers about the testing schedule Inform teachers about their students’ attendance at the testing session

35 Train test examiners and proctors (continued) –Completion of score codes –Collection of and accounting for test materials –Scheduling and procedures for returning test materials to test site coordinator Before Testing

36 Prepare answer documents –One answer document must be submitted for each student testing –If using Pre-ID service, prepare blank answer documents for recently enrolled students who have not passed one or both sections –VOID documents for students who are no longer enrolled or who were incorrectly included in the Pre-ID file Before Testing

37 Maintaining Test Security –Inform students that if they are found cheating or to have compromised the security of the examination, their test results may be invalidated. –Inform Students & Adults - No cell phones, music players, or other electronic devices during the test administration.

During Testing Administration Reminders:  Scratch paper is not allowed.  Do not allow students to use extra – paper to answer their ELA writing tasks.  All responses to be recorded – with No. 2 pencil

39 Check that Box 3 Score Code is completed on all scorable answer documents After Testing

40 Check Box 24 Accommodations and Modifications –Test examiner must grid Box 24 Accommodations and Modifications codes if any were actually used. –Test site coordinator’s or designee’s signature is required to confirm that accommodations and/or modifications were offered whether used or not. After Testing

41 If used, the correct code must be hand-marked on the answer document. After Testing

42 Prepare scorable answer documents for return (Continued) –Use appropriate SGID for each grade Hand-mark section B: Grade, Number of Answer Documents, Date of Exam –Place SGID on top of appropriate grade level documents –Wrap each bundle with paper bands provided in groups of 100 –Place District-provided scorable labels on boxes with scorable answer documents After Testing

43 School and Grade Identification (SGID) Sheet After Testing ROSE Grade 10 only PINE Grade 11 only HARVEST Grade 12 only BURGUNDY Adult education only SAMPLE

44 Prepare non-scorable materials for return –Test Site Packing List and Security Tracking Forms –Unused SGIDs –Test Booklets, including large type –Audio CDs –All original copies of transcribed essays Place District-provided non-scorable labels on boxes with non-scorable materials After Testing

Make sure that each student: –Signs name in Box 1 of the answer document –Enters the version number and the barcode number from the back of the test booklet onto the answer document in each portion of the test. 45 During Testing TE

If some students need more time and have to go to another testing room, the test examiner should collect the test booklets and answer documents from the students A proctor or other school staff should escort the students to the designated testing room No students should leave a testing room with the test booklets and answer documents by themselves During Testing TE

Record the names of Grade 10 students who missed one or both census sessions –FAX CAHSEE Absence Tracker form to by noon on March 19 Plan for make-up session (May) Preparing for Makeup (May) H

SGID for Grade 10 Census or Make-Up Return an answer document for every grade 10 student enrolled in school on March 18, including students who are absent and students who take the CAPA. Return an answer document for only those grade 10 students who took the exam. School might have: –Census batch only –Make-up batch only –Both census and make-up batches

District-provided labels Place PINK Shipping labels on boxes with non-scorable materials Place BLUE Shipping Labels on boxes with scorable answer documents CAHSEE AdministrationPick-up Date February 4-5, 2014February 6, 2014 March 18-19, 2014March 20, 2014 May 13-14, 2014May 15, 2014 H

50 File student and parent reports into cums asap! For new grades 11 and 12 students, forward reports of “pass” to assessment office. FAX: (760) Keep Cum Records Up-To-Date!

We Thank You!