Tues April 23rd 1.Turn in stuff 2.Move Electricity to old in nb minutes to study 4.Unit “test” / Quiz 3 – Misc Electricity 5.Asst: Magnetism Guided notes: pp (Magnetism is the last unit before your final. After the final/STAR test – we will do 2 non-CA-Standards units: Astronomy & Nuclear Physics.) Open House = Thurs 6:15-8 EXTRA CREDIT – need to know Names of Lab partners AND experiment you’re doing by TODAY at midnight (I need to have tomorrow to get it all out!)
Changed this around substantially from 2012 to cut days for very early STAR test this year.
Wed April 24 1.Ppt notes: Magnetism 2.Asst: Chapter 24 Concepts on WS: Page 647 #1-4 Page 650 #5, 7, 8 Page 651 #10, 11 Page 664 #33-35,38-43, 49, 58-61, Open House = Thurs 6:15-8 EXTRA CREDIT Magnetism Quiz Fri! OPEN HOUSE Thurs, APRIL 25 th !
Thur April 25 1.Warm-up, see below… 2.Continue ppt & right-hand rules 3.Go over Concept problems if time (#7; #5, 64-66) 4.Asst: “Do Not Write on this Ditto” Worksheet Open House = Thurs 6:15-8 EXTRA CREDIT Magnetism Quiz Fri! Two Quiz Questions: Which diagram represents the magnetic field resulting from the current through a central wire? Which diagram most closely represents the magnetic field around a bar magnet? OPEN HOUSE TONIGHT
Practice Quiz, do l e f d g h i j k m o n b c a p 1.ABOVE plane of paper at a 2.BELOW plane of paper at e 3.Anywhere INSIDE the i-l circuit 4.Anywhere OUTSIDE the m-p circuit Possible answers: Left/west Right/east North/up South/down “into the paper” “out of the paper”
Fri April 26 1.½ hr only: Go over Concepts & other wrksht 2.½ hour = quiz 3.Asst: (see half sheet of paper) Notes chapter 7 AND for each planet Mercury through Neptune, calculate F G = Gmm/d 2 for the universal gravitational attraction (force) between the sun and that planet AND for each planet Mercury through Neptune, calculate T 2 / r 3
Monday April 29 1.Quickly review F = G mm / d 2 equation, and how relates to F = mg (standard 1e & 1m) 2.Go over Standard 3, using wrksht 3.HW: 36 first semester problems: On a separate sheet of paper, write the letter of the correct answer. THEN NEATLY & LEGIBLY, you must use AT LEAST 2 line per problem to explain in English why that is the answer, and/or show the formula & math work for that problem.
Universal Gravitation Formulas F G = Gmm / d 2 G = 6.67 x (“sto” this!) Go over HW... Biggest = Jupiter (MASSIVE!) at 4.17 x N Smallest = Neptune ( f a r a w a y !) at 6.75 x N Note – units of mass & distance MUST be in kg and meters! Start one from HW #6-15; #13...
Part 2 - Universal Gravitation F G = G mm / d 2 and: F g = mg So set them equal: g = Gm / d 2 (mass of object cancels, mass of planet left over!) Note – units of mass & distance MUST be in kg and meters! Using p.173, find g of the “dwarf planet” Pluto: Look at #22 from HW…
Std 3 See worksheet
Tues April 30 / Wed May 1 1.Go over Semester 1 review HW. 2.In groups, do same thing for questions HW due Thursday: Notes “Earth’s Poles Begin Magnetic Reversal” & 1 other of your choice from website… SCIENCE STAR for jr’s is Thurs AM.
Thurs May 2 (35 min) & Fri May 3 1.Lecture Notes & some “Guided Reading” Questions 2.Complete “Nuclear Reactions Worksheet” (½ -ditto on front of Concepts) together 3.HW due Friday: Guided Notes 4.HW due Monday: Concepts Worksheet (ch 30 & 31) Great America: MANDATORY 30 minute safety presentation on Tuesday May 12:00 PM. ALSO 30 minute mtg Wednesday May 12:00 PM.