How Far is Far?
Earth to Moon Distance Average of 238,000 Miles
1 Astronomical Unit (AU) Sun to Earth Distance 1 Astronomical Unit (AU) 93,000,000 Miles
Body AU Mercury .39 Venus .72 Earth 1.0 Mars 1.5 Jupiter 5.2 Saturn 9.5 Uranus 19.2 Neptune 30.1 Pluto 39.5
Solar System Model Diameter Orbital Radius Model Diameter Scaled Radius Body in Miles in Miles in Inches in Feet Sun 865,000 9 Mercury 3,032 36,000,000 .0314 31 Venus 7,521 67,000,000 .0782 58 Earth 7,926 93,000,000 . 0823 81 Mars 4,228 141,000,000 . 0437 123 Jupiter 88,846 483,000,000 .9021 419 Saturn 74,898 886,000,000 .7528 769 Uranus 31,763 1,782,000,000 .3035 1,546 Neptune 30,775 2,794,000,000 .2937 2,425 Pluto 1,423 3,666,000,000 .0 140 3,186
Parallax Calculating Distance Viewpoint A Viewpoint B Viewpoint A Viewpoint B
Parallax Viewpoint A Viewpoint B
The Light-Year 186,000 miles/second X 60 seconds/minute X 60 minutes/hour X 24 hours/day X 365 days/year 5,865,696,000,000 miles/year
Our Nearest Neighbors Alpha Centauri A & B Proxima Centauri 5 Light-Years 4.2 Light-Years
The Solar Neighborhood Galactic Center ~ 40,000 Light-Years
The Size of Galaxies 100,000 Light-Years
The Galactic Neighborhood 2 Million Light-Years
Hubble Deep Field Image