Audacity Lesson One Venette Cook What will we do? 1.Open Audacity on the desktop. 2.Record your voice! 3.Save on your flash drive. Give a title. 4.Export to MP3, too. That is better for playing later.
Audacity Lesson One What can we do? Skip to start. Play Pause Record Stop Skip to end
Here is how you record. You click here to record. Just speak in the mic. It is easy. This blue line is your voice.
Make your first recording! Click on the red button. Say, “Hello. I feel great today. I love to speak English on the computer.” Click the yellow button to stop. Click on the purple to go to the beginning. Click on the green arrow to listen. How do you sound?
When you finish, save your work! Put it on your flash drive. You can open and change it later. Control + S.
WAIT! One more thing to do! 1 Audacity is for recording and changing. It’s not very good for listening. 2 When you finish, open File menu. Choose Export as MP3. 3 Export to your flash drive. We can listen to this.
Open File menu again. 1 Choose Export as MP3. 2 Click okay on the next message. 3 Save on your flash
You will see a message. No more changes. Click okay. You did it!