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Universal Transverse Mercator UTM
Similar to latitude and longitude…UTM involves the intersection of lines of reference…
Instead of the references latitude and longitude…easting and northing is used…
Planet earth is divided into 60 zones that are in concert with lines of longitude
Each of these zone lines are 6 degrees apart…and are designated zones 1 to 60…these are easting values…
Within the United States, there are ten zones…
The San Francisco Bay Area is in zone 10
There are also latitude bands that are 8 degrees apart and are designated C to X…I and O are omitted…these are northing values
So San Francisco is in zone “10” and Band “S”..
Livermore is in the same zone and band…10S
The “10S” zone and band are further divided into 1000 meter squares that are used for navigation…
This is the easting coordinate This is the northing coordinate
To find the position of the Wells use the zone and band designator 10S…
To find the wells coordinates…start with the easting value of
Place the UTM guide at the bottom of the square in which the target is located…
Since this is a square that is 1000 meters square, 8 will represent 800 meters…add this to and the easting value is …
The easting coordinate is
To find the northing place the UTM guide along the right edge of the square in which the target is located
To find the northing coordinate start with
Since this is a square that is 1000 meters square, 7.5 will represent 750 meters…add this to and the northing value is …
The northing coordinate is
So the complete UTM coordinate of Wells is 10S !
10S Zone and band easting northing
Ask Bob for Lab 17-5