By Magali and Diana
Hepatitis A is a viral infection of the liver caused by the Hepatitis A virus (HAV). It also can be caused by some medications and chemicals that damage the liver. Hepatitis AHepatitis
Hepatitis A, formerly called infectious hepatitis, is most common in children in developing countries, but is being seen more frequently in developed nations and is the most frequent cause of hepatitis in the United States. Hepatitis A is thought to be spread by a virus from an infected person's feces that is directly or indirectly contaminating food, raw shellfish, drinking water, cooking utensils or someone else's fingers. People most at risk are children who go to day care, international travelers, military personnel stationed abroad, homosexual males, and close contacts of people infected with hepatitis A.
There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A, and most people recover completely from and spontaneously. Hospitalization is usually only required if the patient is dehydrated or if the symptoms are severe. At home, getting adequate bed-rest and drinking plenty of fluids will be recommended during recovery. The doctor will also recommend abstinence from alcohol and from drugs that are harmful to the liver during this time.