How to play SUDOKU adapted from Tilda Rosander
To finish this Sudoku you must make every column, row and mini-grid contain the digits 1, 2,3 and 4 one time. The digits can be in any order. 1. This easy 4 by 4 Sudoku consists of 4 mini-grids of 4 squares each Now we are going to look at some strategies that you can use to find the missing digit.
Let's start by looking at the third column. a)We already have the digits 1 and 2 in that column so we need 3 and 4. b)We can't put a 3 in the top square since there is already a three in that row. c)So the top square must be a 4. d)Since all columns have to have the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 the missing digit is 3. 2.Now we can work out what goes in the top right corner. a)Looking at the top row we see that we already have 3, 1 and 4. b)The only missing digit is 2.
We continue by looking at the second column. a)We already have the digits 1 and 2 in that column so we need 3 and 4. b)The bottom row already has a 3 so we have to put the 4 there. c)Now only one digit is missing in the column and that is 3. d)The bottom row is now only missing one digit and that is 2. 2.Remember that each mini-grid must have the digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 in them too. a)Looking at the top right mini-grid we see that we already have 4, 2 and 3. b)The only missing digit is 1.
We continue filling in the mini-grids. a)Looking at the top left mini-grid we see that we already have 3, 1 and 2. So the only missing digit is 4. b)We can double-check this by making sure that the second row doesn't have any doubles. 2.Now we can choose what strategy we want to use to fill in the missing digits. a)The bottom left mini-grid is missing a 1. b)The last column is missing a 4. 3.Now it’s all done!
How difficult is a Sudoku? The level of difficulty in a Sudoku puzzle depends on two things. – How many squares the puzzle has and… – … how many number you have already been given. You will start on the very easy level and then move on as you get better and better at it.
When do I get to move up a level? You will record the different Sudoku puzzles that you solve. When you start on a new level first solve one puzzle with pencil. If you did it without any mistakes you can go on to solve the next one with pen. When you have done one in pen without making ANY mistake you can move on to the next level. ColourMeaning REDPencil With Mistake GREENPencil Without Mistake BLUEPen With Mistake YELLOWPen Without Mistake
Why do the puzzle with pen? I want you to do the puzzle using pen because, – it makes you think before you write. – it makes you slow down a little.