Where Are We? By: Mrs. MacMartin
We are in the classroom.
…at Calais Elementary School
….In the Town of Calais
….in the State of Vermont
…our state capital is Montpelier
….in the Country of the United States of America (U.S.A.)
…the Capital of the U.S.A. is Washington D.C.
….on the Continent of North America
….on the Planet Earth
….In the Solar System
….In the Milky Way Galaxy
Now let’s try it backwards!!!
….In the Milky Way Galaxy
….in the Solar System
….on the Planet Earth
…on the Continent of North America
….in the Country of the United States of America (U.S.A.)
….in the State of Vermont
….In the Town of Calais
…at Calais Elementary School
…in the classroom.
Here we are! I see you!
Yes… There you are!
You are right here at school.
Looking Marvelous!
The End