1 E-Portfolios & Student Blogs Duncan Gillespie and Robert Brown
E-Portfolios & Student Blogs Introduction o Dumfries and Galloway College has developed this tool to support students and assist them to develop employability skills and integrate work in other areas of their course. They maintain the e-portfolio and can include photographic evidence from practical workshops, and use the e- portfolio to shop window for self promotion and employment. Aims o The e-portfolio helps the learner gain skills which will have a long lasting and positive impact on their learning, improve learner retention, progression and achievement. It supports lifelong learning and encompasses the concepts of personal development planning and evaluation. 2
The aims re-iterated: Help learners acquire skills which will have a long lasting and positive impact on their learning Improve learner retention, progression and achievement rates Support lifelong learning and wider participation by meeting the diverse and individual needs of learners in an efficient and effective manner. 3
At its heart: is the belief that the ability to offer individualised support for learning is enhanced through personal development planning using an e-portfolio. is that learner groups are supported in the PDP activities by an academic member of staff. This is achieved by: o Incorporating PDP activities into the learner tutorial hour OR o Incorporating PDP activities into a suitable unit(s) that is part of their existing programme e.g. employability skills, personal development planning, career planning, freelance working skills, personal awareness and development. 4
E-portfolios & Student Blogs - Examples Blank eportfolio as created. Blank Blank eportfolio Stevenson College Blank Blank eportfolio Angus College. Blank HND Computing Student. HND Int 2/Higher Engineering Student. Int 2/Higher Int1 Engineering Student. Int1 Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Student. Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Student progressed to apprenticeship.apprenticeship Motor Vehicle Student. Motor Vehicle Sport Student Sport Sport Student progressing from Access to BTEC level 3 Sport 5
E-portfolios & Student Blogs - Examples Support blogs are used to support whole class activity. They provide the learner with access to lesson plans and lesson material without the need for logins and therefore breakdown barriers. The global translator plug-in is used to support learners who’s first language is not English. Used to support inhouse, external and school classes. Examples o Dumfries High School Hospitality School Provision Dumfries High School Hospitality o Media Studies School Provision Media Studies o HE and professional qualifications in Computing HE and professional qualifications in Computing o Sport Sport 6
Staff Training Specific training with individual staff members or programme area cohorts. Generalised initial lesson plan to get new staff started. Requests to train class groups where their tutor is also present. Development of Staff Development online course.Staff Development 7
HELP Changing our mindset to include and accept that evidence can be used from an e-portfolio. How do we know what is acceptable in demonstrating evidence? Will External Verifiers accept e-portfolio evidence? Do External Verifiers know what an e-portfolio is? 8
9 Thank You – Any Questions?