Pharmacy By: Emily Webb 2A Mrs. Leslie
Nature of Work/What They Do Distributes drugs to individuals Advises patients, physicians, and other health practitioners on the selection, dosages, interactions, and side effects of medications Monitor health progress Mixes drugs (only a small part of job) Some specialize in specific drugs
Work Environment Pharmacists work in a clean, well lit, well ventilated area They spend most of the day on their feet Most work about 40 hours a week May be required to work weekends, nights, and holidays
General Info The average salary is $106,410 a year Pharmacists are hired by hospitals, drugstores, or community drugstores Pharmacy is a growing field with a growth rate of 21%. This is much faster than average.
Key Requirements Pharmacists need scientific aptitude, good interpersonal skills, desire to help others, and be detail oriented Pharmacy also requires having a license and a Pharm D. degree
High school Subjects to Study Biology, chemistry, physics, geometry, algebra 2, pre-calculus, calculus, English, computer science, foreign language, biotechnology, statistics
Education/Training Must earn a Pharm D. degree (4 years) To get a Pharm D., you must have completed at least 2 years of specific professional study, which includes some courses in math, natural sciences or chemistry, biology, physics, humanities, and social sciences Training programs and research projects Others may obtain a degree in public administration and health Must earn a MBA for your own pharmacy