MARCH 29, 2012 EARLY RELEASE DAY 1 – 4 P.M. HOSTED BY: HAPPY VALLEY SCHOOL K-8 Collaborative Staff Development : The Curriculum Mapping Process 1
Enjoy Your Lunch (1:00 – 1:30) After you’ve had time to relax and visit with one another, we will begin the Curriculum map review process. Map reviews begin with independent work. Please, do not share maps until directed by your group’s facilitators. 2
Why is the curriculum mapping process needed during implementation of the new SCOS? How can curriculum mapping be used to improve curriculum, instruction and assessment? Essential Questions: The Point of our Collaboration 3
Continue collaboration with our K-8 colleagues. Communicate best instructional and assessment practices using the Curriculum Mapping process. Identify how our instructional and assessment methods, individually and collectively (as K-8s), demonstrate rigor and relevance in our classrooms. Reflect on the importance of relationships in effective schools. Our Tasks for Today: 4
The On-going “Process” Complete individual maps. (Complete) 2. Review groups of maps. (For today) 3. Share reviews with colleagues. (For today) 4. Share with a large group. (For today) 5. Develop an action plan. (For today) 6. Implement action plan. (For the future) 5
2) Review Groups of Maps, independently Directions: Using the “Mapping Checklist” provided, independently review your colleagues’ maps. (Instructional Assistants should work with a classroom teacher for map review.) Review at least two maps. Refer to the “Directions for Backward Mapping” hand-out. Fill out the “Mapping Checklist” completely. Maps and checklists will be collected for review by administrators and future SD planning. 6
3) Share maps with colleagues Directions: In groups of 3 or 4, share the “Mapping Checklist.” Designate a recorder to keep “Small Group Discussion Notes” and a reporter to share out with the large group. Discuss: Patterns/consistencies/connections Strengths Areas of need “Ah-ha” moments How is this process useful for instructional improvement? 7
4) Share with a large group Directions: Each group will share their observations about the information contained on the backward maps. Whole Group Reflection (open-ended): Use sticky notes to write your thoughts about the group observations. (There are no “right or wrong” thoughts. Simply allow yourself to process and comment on the information you have received. Reflections will be shared on your group’s pbworks page. 8
5) Develop an Action Plan Where to go next? Small Group Work: Use the mapping template to forward map a unit/lesson for: _____________________(subject). Share your completed forward maps by downloading it to the k.8 mapping space. Document your team plans on the “Action Plan” sheet. 9
To Consider As You Forward Map: What do the Standards require me to teach? What is the outcome I want for my students - (SWBAT: Students will be able to...)? How will I clearly communicate this goal to them? Why am I choosing this content? (Be honest.) Do my activities help me move to the role of facilitator and allow for students to practice the 4 Cs of 21 st Century skills ( Critical thinking, Creativity, Collaboration, and Communication )? Do my activities align with my assessments? What information do my assessments communicate? 10
The Cognitive Rigor Matrix A Tool for Aligning Activities & Assessment Applies Webb’s Depth of Knowledge (DOK) to Bloom’s Cognitive Processes Domain DOK is used with SMARTER-balanced Assessments ( ) and with NC’s , assessments. 11
12 Cognitive Rigor Matrix DOK + Bloom’s
“Are your lessons RIGOROUS?” 13 Rigor requires more complex thinking processes, not necessarily more “fun.” Using the Cognitive Rigor Matrix for lesson design may be helpful in avoiding the following conversation...
1) Artifacts from Activities *Backward Maps/Checklists; *Small Group Discussion sheet; *Poster w/Sticky Notes; *Action Plan Sheet Group Facilitators should collect these materials, and bring them to Kim Case’s room. 2) “Essential Question” Evaluations 3) “Forward Maps” downloaded to your group’s K.8 Mapping page. End of the Day Products 15
Time to Collaborate Spend the remainder of your time today developing your forward map. Remember to post your completed map to the K.8 Mapping page. 16