Activity Aha!
In Closing…. When possible, adults who care for children with autism should do each of the following four activities for 10 to 15 minutes each hour…
Establish Play Routines to Help Shape Language and Develop Social Skills
Remember… Establish routines - then, name it and have the child request it Routines help children learn to: Anticipate Participate Initiate
Name Common Objects, People, and Events Occurring Naturally in the Daily Routine
Remember… Keep language simple Don’t talk too much Comment – don’t question or command Teach specific words that are important to the child
Remember… Create a need for communication: Find something the child really wants Put it out of reach but in sight Teach the child to make a sound, say a word, use a gesture, or give a picture to get what he wants
Help the Child Practice Following Directions
Remember… Start with simple/important directions Always follow through once you give a direction Give the least amount of prompts
Remember… Use visual supports and structure Wait ! Always reinforce when directions are followed
Teach Daily Living Skills and Functional Routines Adapted from Carol Schall (2008) “Back to the Basics of Autism Supports and Services”
Remember… Begin teaching these skills and routines to young children Don’t teach too much at once Give enough prompting to ensure success
Remember… Arrange the environment to help with behavior and learning Use visual supports and structure Reinforce!
If a person is not learning, the trainer has failed to teach. Marc Gold (1980)