ED EL 335 Class Notes Day 1—Course Introduction
Vision Statement After completing EdEl 335, pre-service teachers will have a vision and understanding of an excellent Social Studies program, knowledqe of how to plan and implement a powerful Social Studies program, and a commitment to develop citizenship and identitv through the Social Studies curriculum.
EDEL 335 Course Objectives
Three Views of Education Education as Theory To understand the philosophical positions and assumptions underlying Social Studies processes and curricula (Draft Rationale Statement Assignment) To understand the assumptions about student learning and constructivism reflected in Social Studies curricula (Draft Rationale Statement Assignment) To understand and appreciate the principles of powerful Social Studies teaching and learning and their application in the classroom (Emphasis for Final Examination)
Education as Planning To analyze and understand the general organization and content of the Social Studies Program of Studies To develop a detailed understanding of one grade in the Social Studies Program of Studies To experience and apply teaching and learning strategies appropriate for Social Studies To become familiar with and to select Basic and other teaching and learning materials appropriate for Social Studies (Resources List and Critique Assignment) To identify and apply assessment and evaluation strategies appropriate for Social Studies (Assessment Indicators Assignment) To understand and to apply effective Unit planning strategies (Unit Plan Overview Assignment)
Education as Practical Application To understand and apply the essential role of creativity and the importance of critical thinking in Unit and lesson plans To develop an idea file of creative and critical thinking activities appropriate for Social Studies To develop and experience effective Social Studies unit plans To develop and experience effective Social Studies lesson plans To obtain access to unit plans developed for each grade (optional)
Gerry's Objectives To promote Professionalism To promote collegiality in the classroom To ensure respect and dignity for all To encourage and facilitate cooperative learning To support creativity and commitment to excellence To promote and support creative and critical thinking in planning, teaching and learning
Strands for EdEl Academic Study of Social Studies theory -What is Social Studies supposed to be? -Why is it supposed to be like that?
2. Application of Social Studies theory (the Art) -planning the learning process -achieving those plans -assessing learner outcomes **CREATIVE THINKING
3. Practice (the Craft) -unit plan strategies -lesson plan strategies -technology infusion **POWERFUL TEACHING
EDEL 335 MARKING **Distribution System-Please Read and Review **Emphasis shift from Academic understanding to Creative Thinking and Application of theory A middle step between academic studies (theory) and success in the classroom (practical application)
Reflective practice: We need to be aware of what we want to accomplish, how we are going to do that, and how we will know that we have AND we need to reflect upon how it went and what to do next time Gibson, pp 12-13
…And so we begin