Strommen Career and Internship Center Anderson Hall, Room Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays – 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Job Fair Details Monday, April 19, 2010 Hyatt Hotel – downtown Minneapolis –1300 Nicollet Mall: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Want to get there early –More beneficial because districts are there early and ready to talk Clear your schedule for the whole day –Interviews can be schedule up until 5 p.m.
HUGE EVENT! 139 school districts from many states 76 interviewing booths 6 school district presentations
Benefits to Attending networking face-to-face with districts all in the same place Best job search tool see where you want to work helps you prepare for interviews and applications Can collect district information resume, cover letter, portfolio, interviewing outfit, etc. Forces you to get ready for your job search a skill you must have to get a job Can practice interviewing
How to Register Complete registration sheet Pay $15 (check or cash) Give both the registration sheet and money to the Strommen Career and Internship Center
Set Up at the Fair What to Expect
College Tables Come to the Augsburg table to check-in and your get name tag, schedule, and map Someone will be there all day if you have questions/concerns or just want to relax
Student Lounge Sit, relax, prepare, eat Need to bring own food or eat out
Booth Area Meet with districts, stand in line, introduce yourself, give resume, exchange information, and ask if they are interviewing Must wear your name tag –We will give this to you, which is why you must register early –This is how you get into the booth area Different ways to approach this –go to booths you are interested in first to it get over with or go to the ones you are least interested first to practice
Interview Areas Districts handle all interviewing schedules Can call or send application and ask for interview Usually these are screening interviews to see if you meet their qualifications Will usually have follow-up interview later if they like you Ask questions and do your research on the district
Information Sessions Some districts offer presentations Good way to break up your day and get more job search information Can learn a lot of job tips that will apply to your whole job search
Preparation for the Fair Use the Job Search Handbook for Educators and School House Magazine Preparation = Success –Spend time preparing for the fair –Districts are impressed when they can tell you have prepared
Resumes and Cover Letters Start ASAP with a rough draft –Takes a while, so start early Come and see a Career Specialist to have them reviewed –Appointments fill up quickly, so call early
Complete District Applications Start with those you are most interested in Take a very long time, so start ASAP If you have not completed online applications, districts will tell you to do so at the fair
Interviewing Interviewing is a skill and takes practice Some may be interviewing at the fair –Especially if you want to move out-of-state Schedule a mock interview with a Career Specialist Review interviewing handouts and questions
Elevator Speech First impression that you give to school districts Say what you like about district and inquire about opening positions Prepare for each specific district –Use post-its to help remind you of what you want to say
Job Fair Web Links Wiki will connect you to all resources Job Fair Website click on MN Education Job Fair Association School District Websites link from job fair website and wiki
Things to Remember Parking will cost around dollarsBring food or money to eat outBring only resumes to fair pack light as carrying a lot will get heavy Have at least resumesDress professionally Suit Comfortable, but nice shoes
Between Now and the Fair Develop an action plan to prepare Go to websites and make initial contacts Resume, cover letter, and practice interviews
After the Fair Follow up with districts you liked –Complete their applications and apply for any open positions –Send them a thank you letter
Advice from Past Students Students said... Plan ahead Wear comfortable shoes Get there early Stay relaxed Bring snack food Prepare Be willing to re- locate Be yourself Students said... Be organized Research districts before Ask questions Practice interviewing Follow-up with thank you notes Follow through by completing applications