THE BIG RACE By Emelia Holness, Tiffany Coles, and Margarita Amihava
OUR STORY Once upon a time, Mr. Taranta asked his class to do a very fun activity called “The Big Race”. The project involved either groups of 3-4 people choosing various modes of transportation traveling fifty feet in the schoolyard. Three friends, Margarita, Emelia, and Tiffany were paired together. Tiffany decided that she would hop on one leg with a 10 feet head start. Emelia would run, starting at zero. And Margarita would travel by scooter with a five feet head start. Emelia finished first with 3 seconds because of her long legs. Margarita finished next with 4 seconds. Tiffany finished last with 5 seconds. Move either to later in sentence #2. Check guide to make sure this is complete.
OUR CHOREOGRAPHY Emelia: Running, starting from the starting line Margarita: Rode on scooter, with a 5ft head start Tiffany: Hopped on one foot, with a 10ft head start Ending Point: 50 feet Distance Traveled Emelia: 50 feet Margarita: 45 feet Tiffany: 40 feet Time Traveled Emelia: 3 seconds Tiffany: 5 seconds Margarita: 4 seconds Good info. Check variation in way you presented distance traveled vs time traveled.