Differentiation Because one size does not fit all…
Is your classroom like a swimming pool?
‘If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away’ (Thoreau) Differentiation is the adjustment of the teaching process according to the learning needs of the students. It can be aimed at the whole class, individuals or groups of students. What is differentiation?
TS4,5 Aims To learn eight different methods of differentiating work To consider the needs of different types of learners in your classroom To have a go at differentiating tasks
THE BIG PICTURE We will return to this when we are covering assessment
THE BIG PICTURE We will return to this when we are covering assessment
Rationale for Differentiation Differentiation
Inclusion in RE Why might each of these groups need RE teachers to consider their specific needs? What are their needs in RE? Girls, boys, EAR, faith minorities, non-faith groups, EAL, Refugees, SEN, G&T
THE DIFFERENTIATION TRAP 1 | Posted by: emzy at 03 Oct :42 Hi Everyone, I am currently teaching a SEN year 10 group RE. At the moment we are doing Islam and all I am doing is supplying them with lots of wordsearches and lots of worksheets. As you can imagine they are getting pretty fed up and so am I to be honest! They are a very challenging group with lots of behaviour problems and so I am reluctant to try new things! Any ideas where I can go next?
THE DIFFERENTIATION TRAP 1 | Posted by: Banzai at 13 Feb :17 Hi there, I am an NQT at a school with many pupils with statements and learning difficulties. I have been trying to provide three different lesson plans for each lesson to cater for G&T, SEN and the rest of the class, but the workload is too much. Also, many of my pupils don't want 'different' work. Please can anyone help!
Teachers Can Differentiate... Content –What do you want the students to know? Process –What do you want the students to do cognitively with what they know? Product –How can students demonstrate what they’ve learned? complexity pace depth
DIFFERENTIATION IS A THREAD THAT WEAVES THROUGH GOOD PEDAGOGY Assessment for learning Groupings Different texts Choice of activity Learning styles Chunking material Scaffolds Multiple intelligences Graphic organisers DIFFERENTIATION Use of data Accelerated learning Pace
And if you want to do three different tasks… WEAKER MOST Using textbooks and the internet research appropriate readings to comfort those at a Christian funeral. Justify your choices. MORE ABLE Give pupils a selection of biblical and secular readings for a funeral. Some of these choices will be podcasts online. Justify their choices for the funeral of a young man and the funeral of an old woman. Select readings for a Christian baptism, wedding and funeral that typify the Christian way of life. Complex question Interpretation needed
LEARNERS’ NEEDS Differentiate in terms of content, process and product Taking into account Readiness, motivation and learning styles Using differentiation strategies and relevant pedagogy
Where do we go from here? Take a first step – Build up simple resources by cutting out pictures, puzzles and articles from newspapers and magazines. Take one existing resource and plan some support structures. Take one specific area from a scheme of work and examine it critically in terms of provision for those with specific learning needs. When in school - critically examine the needs of one SEN student in your class. Reflect on this in your journal.