Reading Grade 6 Cosgrove Middle School
What does Reading look like this year? 3 teams: Iota, Rho, Theta 6 th grade teachers have one Reading section Collaborate with our ELA teacher leader, Mr. Allen
Curriculum New Common Core Standards for ELA: focus LITERACY SKILLS Reading class supplements our 6 th grade ELA curriculum Library class supplements our ELA and Reading curriculum Genre visits and book reports Spelling- in class and possibly online vocabulary study- 6, 7, 8 th grades o Roots, prefixes, suffixes Reading = separate class/report card grade
What do good readers do? Strong Readers Make connections Ask questions Visualize Predict and make inferences Determine important ideas
What do good readers do?
Respond to Reading READ 180 Book Report Project Book-It Other items: depends on the team/teacher Encourage your child to read whenever there is a chance to pick up a book!
Reading is… THINKING AND REFLECTING Journal entries Answer comprehension questions Buzzing Book talks
Grades apply to the following categories: o Tests and Assessments25% o Projects and Quizzes25% o Classwork25% o Homework15% o Prepared10% o Final Exam10% of year How will students be graded?
Tests and quizzes are necessary to monitor student progress Tests are given at the end of a unit o announced 5-7 days in advance Quizzes are given every 1-3 weeks. o announced in advance Tests and Quizzes Back
Projects include: o Group activities o Individual activities o Computer tasks o Library research Supplies needed will be announced ahead of time. Writing will occur everyday Projects Back
Homework is an opportunity to practice new and old concepts! o Homework is important to student success Homework will be assigned Frequency determined by teacher Reading at home nightly is always a good thing! Homework/Classwork Back
Participation in class based on the following: Be respectful Be responsible Be there and be ready Follow directions Keep hands and feet to self Think “CMS High 5”! Be an active learner
Participation is more than just being in the room! Active participation is expected 100% Participation will be part of your grade! Participation Ready to answer the question or ask a question. Back
Given in June during exam week. Final Exam
Questions? Thank you for your support! Created by A. Page 2011