T-Rex By: Matthew Werner
What is the name? Tyrannosaurus rex is first name T-Rex for short
Evidence of t-rex existence? Fossils are made of plants and bones of animals We know dinosaurs used to live because there are bones or fossils
Evidence of t-rex existence? I am holding a baby t-rex fossil
What time it lived? It lived 65 to 85 million years ago they lived in the cretaceous period
T-rex habitat? Most lived in forests Trees Swampy Lots of grass
What did it eat? T-rex was a carnivore which means meat eater. It eats plant eaters in the forest. Eat own kind when dead
What is a T-rex related to? Tyrannosaurus rex (43ft long) T-rex cousins: Carnotaurus (25ft) Albertosaurus (30ft) Alloganurus (36ft) Spinosaurus (46ft) Ganotosaurus (50ft) Today: Related to birds like the chickens
Size comparison T-rex are 20 feet tall and over 40 feet long