Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series 119 Food Technology Agriculture Technology Department Plymouth High School DAY 1
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Food Safety Illness: caused by germs being spread. – Spread by Money Doorknobs Railings Common drinking cups Others – Food is a great vector to harbor pathogens.
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Food Safety Food poisonings and infections – Symptoms: violent illness of the stomach and intestinal tract. Termed gastroenteritis. – Caused by bacteria – Some release toxins that disrupt the digestive tract when swallowed Other food poisoning agents – Mercury in fish – others
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Food Safety Centers for Disease Control (CDC) – Most cases reported in food related sicknesses Improper holding temperatures Poor personal hygiene Inadequate cooking Contaminated equipment Food source is unsafe
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Food Safety Cross-contamination with ready-to- eat foods – Hands touch raw foods Poultry and red meat – Surfaces: cutting boards and cleaning cloths – Dripping fluids
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Food Safety People most at risk – Young children – Pregnant women – Elderly – And chronically ill people A healthy immune system can fight food bourn illnesses
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Sanitation Why is sanitation important? ? Personal Wash your hands Hair nets Beard net (men) Personal Wash your hands Hair nets Beard net (men) Equipment Utensils Machinery Surfaces Floors/walls Equipment Utensils Machinery Surfaces Floors/walls
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor DIRECTIONS: Work with your partner to complete the question. You get 120 seconds to form your answers. One member may come up to the board and write your answers. PURPOSE: To know why we sanitize our work space and ourselves! Activity Stump The Teacher
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Bacteria Fungi Viruses Parasites They Cause: – Spoilage of foods – Food borne toxins – Food borne infections – Viral borne infections
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Staphylococcal food poisoning Salmonellosis Shigellosis Listerosis Campylobacteriosis Vibrio infection Cholera Giardiasis Amebiasis Coliforms Botulinum toxin Perfringen food poisoning Mycotoxins Trichinosis E.coli O157H7 Hepatitis A virus
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Pick a food borne disease Be ready to give a brief presentation – Include the following items in the presentation Scientific name of microorganism causing the disease Photo (if able) Source of Illness Symptoms If you want to me your information, I can put it into this ppt for you to talk from. Must be sent before 6:30am on Tuesday for me to use it. 5 pts
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Control of Microorganisms pH Oxygen Moisture availability Nutrient availability Storage temperature – Psychrotrophic: tolerate low temps – Thermotropic: tolerate high temperatures
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor No. of Organisms Time Lag Phase Log Phase Stationary Phase Death Phase Common Sigmoid Curve
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor DIRECTIONS: You can work with a partner. You get 30 seconds to form your answers. One member may come up to the board and write your answers. PURPOSE: To understand all the people involved in policies writing and enforcement. Activity Stump The Teacher
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor USDA- United States Department of Agriculture FSIS- Food Safety and Inspection Service FDA- United States Food and Drug Administration EPA- United States Environmental Protection Agency
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Things to remember during the semester! Processing Handling Critters in the work space Cleaning Sanitizing
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor How will you make sure the food products you make this semester are safe for you and your classmates to consume? Ponder this question every day you are making food products!
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor END OF DAY 1, Week 2 Assignment Due Tuesday! Tuesday: – Presentations of Food borne Diseases