Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series 119 Food Technology Agriculture Technology Department Plymouth High School DAY 2
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor REVIEW Name 4 things that will make us sick in our food. What are the Government Agencies that are associated with food processing What ways can you keep yourself clean? What equipment/environment must be kept clean?
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Staphylococcal food poisoning Salmonellosis Shigellosis Listerosis Campylobacteriosis Vibrio infection Cholera Giardiasis Amebiasis Coliforms Botulinum toxin Perfringen food poisoning Mycotoxins Trichinosis E.coli O157H7 Hepatitis A virus 5 pts
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor $$$ MONEY $$$ Bill Marlar, Food Safety Lawyer (6 minutes) watch?v=0nVXbwqxdWI Food Chain Safety (28.5 minutes) watch?v=y5PjEOARGy8&N R=1 curezone.com
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor 1.Unclean finger 2.Finger washed with soap 3.Finger washed with antibacterial soap 4.Sole of your shoe 5.Counter Top 6.Door Handle Which do you think will have the most microorganisms growing
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor Find a news article of a food borne disease outbreak You will be sharing brief details of it to the class – Items to discover: 5 W’s – WHAT, WHO, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and sometimes HOW Helpful hints: Awesome Sources to discover your topic: -Government Websites -Time Magazine - or -Local (The Press or Review) or regional newspapers ( )The Press 5 pts
Buckle Up with Food Safety Lecture Series Presented by Mr. Taylor END OF DAY 2, Week 2 Assignment Due Friday! Wednesday: – Continue food safety – Food Safety Chain