Update 11/05/09
Please post questions here:
Final budget figure for schools should be known by Oct. 31, $168 for High School $126 MS/EL is still the estimate on the amount of money per student The amount of $$ a school gets is still based on 10/07 F/RL enrollment
The Eligibility List has been published on the MS website, linked our wiki site. If an item is determined to be ineligible, that decision is final, there is no appeal.
AAmount of money is divided between two types of vouchers: SSoftware & General purpose vouchers. The funding split between general purpose voucher and software purpose voucher is 50/50.
Schools have until May 11, 2010 to file their application. Applications are filed at As soon as it is filed, a data release letter and the signed assurances sheet must be mailed.
A school's MS application plan must be linked to the Iowa Core Curriculum in one of the five areas. (Literacy, Math, Science, Social Studies, 21 st Cent. Skills) NOT ICC Implementation plan! This funding is not to be used to implement the ICC, or to take the place of the normal technology budget in a school. This funding is to supplement the Core by providing additional technology for enhanced implementation.
Schools can get a wavier for the required of 30% of PD by saying that the 30% will be in- kind or matching funding, so they won't have to take it out of their general purpose funds. Value of the contribution ▪ Keystone provided ▪ Teacher time
General Purpose Voucher Number/TotalSoftware VoucherNumber/Total 50 Laptops $1000 each $50,000 System Software$ /$10,000 Office $50200/ $10,000 Inspiration $30 ea100/$3000 Inspire data $ /$2150 Rosetta Stone $53910/$5390 iLife $70 ea20/$1400 Kurzweil $300 ea10/$3000 Library Software$15,000 $50,000$49,940 $100,000 - Target 9 th grade Literacy, 1-1 laptops, address reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing through a variety of digital storytelling and podcasting project based learning activities.
General Purpose Voucher Number/TotalSoftware VoucherNumber/Total 9 Smartboards$ 10,800 ($1200) 3 tablets$ 1,200 ($400) EasyBook Deluxe Site/$600 9 projectors$ 6,300 ($700)Office $50200/ $10,000 Gizmos$,1995 siteInspiration $30 ea150/$ Laptops for teachers $9000 ($1000)Inspire data $ /$3225 Rosetta Stone $53910/$5390 Kurzweil $300 ea10/$3000 $29,295$26715 $50,000 - Target 6th th grade Science – Science as Inquiry - through questioning, examining evidence and communicating findings.
New Software Vendor for Iowa
The effectiveness of the program has to be assessed by a norm-referenced test and schools are required to test in the spring, reporting grade level growth. Norm-referenced tests (NRTs) compare a person's score against the scores of a group of people who have already taken the same exam, called the "norming group”.
ITBS/ITED are acceptable tests. Iowa End of Course Exams assessment FormA/Fall FormB/spring for grades Must report testing at a grade span: 3-5 6-8 9-12
Testing costs - Can come from general purpose funds Must test every spring for all funding years For participating teachers There will be an online once a month reporting process Funding window lasts until - Aug. 15, 2013
detail.cfm?ID=10063 Microsoft Settlement Update November 16, Monday, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Educators (Reg Deadline - 11/10/09) Microsoft Settlement Update (Keystone AEA1) November 18, Wednesday, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Educators (Reg Deadline - 11/10/09) Microsoft Settlement Update November 19, Thursday, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Educators (Reg Deadline - 11/17/09)
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