REFERENCES AR 40-5, Preventive Medicine AR 40-46, Control of Health Hazards from Lasers and other High Intensity Optical Sources Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 6055.11, “Protection of DoD Personnel from Exposure to Electormagnetic Fields (EMF) at Radio Frequencies (RF) from 3 kHz to 300 GHz” Title 21, Code of Federal Regulations, Laser Products
Outline Ionizing vs. Nonionizing Radiation Biological Effects Typical Nonionizing Systems in DOD Control Measures
Ionizing vs Nonionizing Radiation Higher energy electromagnetic waves (gamma) or heavy particles (beta and alpha). High enough energy to pull electron from orbit. Nonionizing Radiation Lower energy electromagnetic waves. Not enough energy to pull electron from orbit, but can excite the electron.
Examples on Nonionizing Radiation Sources MICROWAVE GAMMA ULTRA V VISIBLE INFRARED TV AM RF Visible light Microwaves Radios Video Display Terminals Power lines Radiofrequency Diathermy (Physical Therapy) Lasers
Biological Effects Radiofrequency Ranges (10 kHz to 300 GHz) Effects only possible at ten times the permissible exposure limit Heating of the body Cataracts Developing fetus is at no greater risk than mother
Biological Effects Lasers Permanent Eye Injuries Cataracts and temporary blinding Skin damage
Typical DoD Nonionizing Systems Radiofrequency Microwave communications Electronic Warfare Devices Radar Laser Laser Pointers Target Designators Range Finders
Control Measures Radiofrequency Maximum 10 mW/cm2 Power Density (most systems) Controlled Areas Inventory Read Technical Manuals!!! Hazard Criteria (TB 43-0133) SOP Surveys by CHPPM-EUR
Control Measures Laser Classes 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 4 Do not look into lasers. Avoid reflective surfaces. Medical SOP Read Technical Manuals Hazard Criteria (TB 43-0133) Surveys by CHPPM-EUR
Control Measures Any other nonionizing radiation concerns, call CPT Hart, CHPPM-EUR, 486-7038.
Overexposure Procedures See Attached sheets
Summary Ionizing vs. Nonionizing Radiation Biological Effects Typical Nonionizing Systems in DOD Control Measures