IL context 21st century graduate / life long learning - why it is so important SHU context LTA DF employability learner autonomy IL Definition including Sconul pillars model How to use the framework librarian academic support staff what we hope to achieve with it Aims and Objectives Competencies use model (7 pillars? to indicate Cs and levels
Minimum standards statements We are committed to.. minimum offering for UG students (IL session in first year?) minimum offering for PG students (offer a session to all students?) minimum offering for researches and staff (aim to meet all new staff / continuous support) Making it Happen Best practice guidelines librarians academic staff support staff based around competencies Useful materials Case Studies Learning Objects Databank Evaluation
Contacts Ongoing work to suport the Framework - SLS staff Librarians Community of Practice Reflective practice Peer Review of teaching ongoing role of IL group Everyone open discussion on wikkii what is future life of wikki encourage staff to upload materials / points for discussion evaluation of framework Support / academic staff seminars arranged