NEEDS OF HOMES causes Protect us from heat rain Cold Wind
VARIATIONS IN HOMES Reasons of variations Requireme nt of the family Place/cityClimateMoney Material available
DIFFERENT TYPES OF HOMES Bungalow Sloping roofs Flat roofs Stilt Boat house High rise Wooden homes
BUNGALOW Bungalow is a big house with living room, kitchen, guest house, study, garage on the ground floor. PLACES: I. Less populated areas. II. Outskirts of a city. BENEFITS: I. Spacious II. Convenient III. Privacy IV. Sceneries
SLOPING ROOFS Reasons To protect against : Heavy rainSnowfall Popula r at Kashmir,Ke rala,Assam Russia
They are also built in forest areas to be safe from wild animals. Mostly light material is used like wood, bamboo and coconut shafts. Stilt houses are built primarily as a protection against floods. India Assam Andaman and Nicobar Islands World Japan Myanma r SriLanka
H IGH RISE High rise flats are multi-storey buildings usually they have small rooms and tiny balcony. They are small because in metros the land is limited and the population is huge. They are found in big cities like: Cities Delhi Mumbai New York Paris Chennai
BOAT HOUSE Boat houses are very popular in states like Kashmir and Kerala. They are the houses on water. They can be moved from one place to another. Wood is used in there construction to keep them light. In these states they are the attraction for tourist as well.
WOODEN HOUSES Wooden houses are also known as LOG CABIN. These houses are built in earthquake prone areas. Houses are built with bamboo and wood to suffer a minimum damage to life and property. They are common in : Andaman and Nicobar Islands ManipurJapan
M A P WORK Mark the states and the types of houses found there: