This about the Energies that we think that are more used nowadays list is Now the Energies that are more important are the renewable energy, that is like hidroelectric, wine power, bioenergy that burn biomass to heating… Now the Energies that are more important are the renewable energy, that is like hidroelectric, wine power, bioenergy that burn biomass to heating… WIN POWER HYDROELECTRIC THERMAL POWER
WIN POWER In this type of energy we need to catch win with the rotor blade, that make a turn and with that he start a process that finish when the process arrive to the transformer and make energy. In this type of energy we need to catch win with the rotor blade, that make a turn and with that he start a process that finish when the process arrive to the transformer and make energy. Advantage: it isn’t contaminable for one way, you don’t throw CO 2 to the atmosphere, you aprove the win that is natural. Advantage: it isn’t contaminable for one way, you don’t throw CO 2 to the atmosphere, you aprove the win that is natural. Disadvantage: it is a visual contamination, it can cause a change the rute of the migratorys birds. Disadvantage: it is a visual contamination, it can cause a change the rute of the migratorys birds.
HYDROELECTRIC In hydroelectric energy we need a river, in a tramp of the river that are a waterfall, we build a dam, that stop the water, and when we want we open a gate and the water fall down with a lot of velocity a move a turbine that make the energy. In hydroelectric energy we need a river, in a tramp of the river that are a waterfall, we build a dam, that stop the water, and when we want we open a gate and the water fall down with a lot of velocity a move a turbine that make the energy. Advantages: it isn’t contaminable, you save water( you have water when it isn’t rain),. Advantages: it isn’t contaminable, you save water( you have water when it isn’t rain),. Disadvantages: it has a visual contamination,it affects in the river, and in the animals that live there. Disadvantages: it has a visual contamination,it affects in the river, and in the animals that live there.
THERMAL POWER This type of Bioenergy, it consist to burn biomass like coal …, and with that they heat a win to become a hot win to have enough power to move a turbine and generate energy. This type of Bioenergy, it consist to burn biomass like coal …, and with that they heat a win to become a hot win to have enough power to move a turbine and generate energy. Advantages: We think that this don’t have any advantage Advantages: We think that this don’t have any advantage Disadvantages: It contaminate with C0 2, we have to burn biomass to do energy, it have a visual contamination. Disadvantages: It contaminate with C0 2, we have to burn biomass to do energy, it have a visual contamination.
ALTERNATIVE ENERGY It’s like solar planels that make energy with the sun. There are two types of solar planels one is thermal and the other is photovoltaic. It’s like solar planels that make energy with the sun. There are two types of solar planels one is thermal and the other is photovoltaic. photovoltaic thermal