Traditional Maori cuisine is based on their Polynesian roots. Now, Maori food is a mixture of Traditional and contemporary dishes. Rugby is the main sport in New Zealand. Most New Zealand culture is from British roots, mixed with American, Australian, and other European countries.
Before the English came, New Zealand was only Maori religion. They had many Gods. Hip-hop is most popular among the younger population in New Zealand. Kapa Haka is the traditional performing Art in New Zealand, and is performed by the New Zealand All Blacks, the Rugby team.
The Geography of New Zealand is two main islands, the North Island and the South. New Zealand has a total area of 268, 680 square kilometers. The South Island is much bigger than the North Island. Natural Resources are coal, gold, hydropower, Iron Ore, Limestone, Gas, Sand, and Timber.
New Zealand is a Market Economy. New Zealand trades mainly with Australia, China, the U.S.A., Japan, and the European Union. In 2005, the World Bank praised New Zealand as being the most business-friendly country in the world, before Singapore. In the past, New Zealand’s Trade was based on exporting meat, dairy, fruit, veggies, fish, and wool.
New Zealand’s Government is a Representative Democracy. The Queen is the Head of State. The Government is formed by democratically elected Representatives. New Zealand’s government is almost exactly like Canada’s, since it’s a Commonwealth country.