“PD in a PowerPoint” Standards Based Grading & Reporting (SBGR)
We are all super busy with lots to do and lots to learn each and every day. Our district PD days are filled to the brim with Common Core and lots of other learning. HOWEVER our continued learning, understanding and implementation of SBGR (Standards Based Grading and Reporting) is still an area we need to be sure to focus on and support. Through various settings (district meetings, district PD, grade level PLCs, SPED PLCs,etc.) it has been shared that perhaps a little “PD in a PowerPoint” may be helpful to ensure K-5 teachers are correctly using and implementing SBGR across the district. While each grade level spent a PD day in the spring and then two PD days during the initial implementation year on SBGR, that hardly makes us experts and we need to continue to learn and review so that we can solidly implement with fidelity. The goal of this PowerPoint (PPT) is to: 1.remind teachers of report card and grading guidelines & expectations 2. facilitate grade level / team conversations for consistency
REPORT CARD REMINDERS Report cards should reflect what a student knows and is able to do AT GRADE LEVEL. Scores on report cards should reflect CURRENT level of achievement for that quarter’s standards and targets. Report card standards are based on grade level TEXT, therefore reading grades should be based on GRADE LEVEL TEXT/reading, not his/her independent or instructional level. If a student is reading below grade level, they should not receive a “3” on the report card.
REPORT CARD REMINDERS The comment section is where you should indicate current reading levels and highlight reading behaviors (strengths and/or weaknesses) of the student. SPED student’s report card should reflect where he/she is on GRADE LEVEL work. His/her IEP goal pages show progress toward IEP goals and highlight strengths. The IEP report is where you indicate progress/scores on modified work. Evidence used to determine report card grades should have had an opportunity for a “4”.
REPORT CARD REMINDERS Comments MUST be included on report cards for all students receiving a “1” or “2”. Final report card grades should be determined by considering at least three pieces of recent evidence. Students should be able to consistently show proficiency to receive a “3”. Non-academic indicators (work habits that support learning) must be separated from academic indicators (what students should know and be able to do).
REPORT CARD REMINDERS Use multiple tools to communicate progress THROUGHOUT the grading period so that fewer parents will be surprised or confused when report cards go home.
GRADING GUIDELINES Grade students on GRADE LEVEL learning goals and standards- not other students. Grade performance on GRADE LEVEL work- not modified work. Grade using a wide variety of assessments (both formative and summative)- triangulation of data: observations, conversation, product Grade using most recent evidence- do not average scores/marks.
GRADING GUIDELINES Provide as many opportunities as possible for students to display “exceeding expectations” or a “4”. With the rigor of CC how do we do this? Open ended questions, highest DOK, advanced application, above and beyond learning target, apply knowledge in other situations… high quality, collaborative PLC work! In IC (or your grade book), be sure to make a note if the task did not have an opportunity for a “4” and be sure the grades posted and viewed by parents in IC also indicate that. Grades should be taken after ample time to learn the standard as well as multiple opportunities to demonstrated understanding.
GENERAL REMINDERS Scores on the DCAs can be used in the grade book as part of determining the report card grade but they are only one score and should not be the grade the student receives. Common assessments need to be created with GRADE LEVEL texts (be sure you are increasing rigor each quarter to align with district chart). High functioning, collaborative PLC work in order to create assessments and then score/grade together is CRITICAL. It is the best way to grow and master SBGR!
Well that concludes our “PD in a PowerPoint”. If you or your team need additional support, please don’t hesitate to contact your friendly C & I team at the NISSC. Thanks for the awesome PLC work to support SBGR!