MAASE Wednesday, February 11, 2009 Fowlerville High School’s experience with the PC
Purpose of Today’s Session How and why did Fowlerville begin this process? Steps taken to formalize the PC process. A PC walk-through for a student with an IEP. What about PC proficiency levels and “power standards”? PC communication and diploma vs. transition certificate conversations.
???Why??? Communicated the MMC changes with Board and Community frequently. Information raised the anxiety of many parents and students in our special education population. Proactively developed the process to address community concerns.
Formalizing the PC Process School TC, Principal and Counselors reviewed State documents relative to the PC and the PC process. HS team attended the MDE Rollout of the PC process at the Clinton RESA. HS team developed paper trail to track and log PCs.
Formalizing the PC Process, Cont. Communication with the FCS Board policy committee relative to implementation, implications and process paperwork. Two presentations to the full FCS Board on the MMC, including the PC process. Letter sent to parents of students in the 9 th grade (class of 2011) who were currently in classes that would not count toward graduation requirements (Resource Room).
PC Walk-Through Parent contacts the school requesting a PC. Secretary, CC, Administrator…….… Parent is given the PC handout and fills out the parent request for a PC. The student’s counselor speaks with the parent outlining the process that will be followed. The counselor pulls all pertinent data: IEP, EDP, transcript, class schedule, attendance records, etc.
PC Walk-Through, cont. Meeting is convened with appropriate staffing. Discussion revolves around PC eligibility initially. If a PC is warranted, is it for advancement in the MMC or Sp. Ed. qualification? If for advancement and the modification is allowable, we document the modification, sign the paperwork and adjourn. (5 min.)
PC Walk-Through, cont. IF the PC involves a special education student – We evaluate the areas of strength and weakness of the student according to the data provided. We look at future career goals, post secondary options and discuss diploma track, transition track. (difficult conversation) If the transition option is chosen we document that decision and do not modify the student’s class schedule.
PC Walk-Through, cont. If diploma track is desired, we discuss modification options. Up to this point, we have used course substitution with specific HSCE’s to be addressed in an individualized format. In the future, , we will have the capability within our course structures to identify specific HSCE’s that may be modified within the general education classroom.
PC Walk-Through, cont. EXAMPLE: Student was in self contained math through the 8 th grade. In 9 th grade, the student was placed in an II Math class. Does not meet MMC. PC was conducted in December. Student was found to be eligible for a PC. The following 4 year plan was developed:
PC Walk-Through, cont. Second semester remain in II Math with specific goals addressing beginning Algebra I skills. 10 th grade year – Student would take Algebra I in a co-taught setting. (D/Credit) 11 th grade year – Student would take geometry. 12 th grade year – Student would take Algebra II A, Accounting or Advanced Auto. EDP indicates working at father’s sod business.
Fowlerville High School PC Data Currently 12 PCs on file. 8 PCs for advancement – Generally, band students looking to free up space to take a world language. 4 PCs for course modification – Generally, students who struggle significantly in math and reading. 3 PCs in the pipeline with counselors and an unknown number denied because we do not allow PCs to be done more than a year in advance.
Diploma vs. Transition We have met multiple times with our JHS counterparts to bring them up to speed with graduation requirement. They begin this conversation at the 8 th grade transition IEP that is attended by the FHS Teacher Consultant and at EVERY IEP afterward.
PC Proficiency and Power Standards To be frank, we are not here yet. We will have end of course assessments constructed by the end of this school year tied to HSCEs, with a focus on power standards. We will communicate with the Board on setting proficiency levels this summer.
Q and A CONTACT INFORMATION – Fowlerville High School: High School Principal- Mr. Wayne Roedel / Sp. Ed. Director–Mr. Denis McBride /